Hi, I hope this routine can build size and lots of strength as well as improve my MMA ability a little,. I will be eating a bit of a bulking diet, not limiting the carbs too much due to high activity levels. My legs are my strong point, upper body smaller and a little weaker.
Day 1 - Strength (80%-100%)
Flat bench (wide) - 4-6 sets x 1-3 reps
Pause Flat bench (med) - 2 sets 3-5 reps
Some kind of squat - 6 sets x 1-5 reps
RDLS, rack lockouts or deadlifts - 5 sets x 1-5 reps.
Weighted abs, light shoulder complex.
Day 2 - 1 hr muay thai, 1 hr Brazilian ju-jitsu
Day 3 - Speed (50%-60%)
Power snatch - 6x3
Power clean or high pull - 6x3
Speed bench, different grips, 8x3
Push press - 3x3
Some days I will choose an exercise and try some heavier singles after the fast sets.
Calves, shoulder complex
Day 4 - 1 hr muay thai, brazilian ju-jitsu
Day 5 - Endurance/hypertrophy
Usually will use dumbells.
Incline press - 3x8-20 reps
Close grip press - 3 x 8-12
Tricep extension or push down - 3x 8-12
Bent row - 3 x 8-12
Pull up - 3x 8-12
Biceps curl - 3x8-20
Abs, shoulder complex.
Day 6 - Boxing, 2 hrs.
Day 7, off.
So, am i gonna be large and in charge or what?