After lurking on T-Nation and “working out” at the gym, I finally have learned how to lift. But I need help. I would like to be a competitive powerlifter. I’ve got all the information I need, but I need some help.
Since I am Air Force, I have to compete drug-free and I don’t like the suits so it’s Raw for me. On speed days am able to get away with doing bottom positions bench press and squats on the power rack as opposed to using Bands and chains?
With speed work, Do I need Bands or is the purpose of speed day just to do sets of two with little rest just to fight through the lactic acid build up?
I’ve also read that some lifters don’t do free squats until meet time and actually just do box squats the whole time. Is that the way to do it or is on ME day do free squats and on Speed day to box squats acceptable in order to hit big numbers on my lifts?
My current lifts are:
Bench: 415 Lbs
Squat: 440 Lbs
DL: 505 Lbs.
Goal: Bench 500
Squat 600
DL 700
I know I can do it, I just need some advise. I don’t have chains or bands and I work out solo always hogging the power rack; but nobody else uses it anyway. Can anyone provide guidance? Should I stick to the westside workout plan, or alter it a little due to lack of equipment…bands and chains?