Love the new board and Dr. Darden’s participation along with more focus on HIT. Good stuff!
Thanks big blue.
I’m looking for the usual Dr Darden HIT forum I’ve been on for years and I suddenly can’t find it? What’s up? P
I’m glad you made your way over here. You were a valuable member of my 20-year-old HIT forum. Just a week ago, Tim Patterson and I decided to pull the plug on the old site. There was simply not enough activity to merit continuation. T-Nation has 50 times more readers and a chance for unfamiliar readers to learn about HIT.
Eventually, I think you are going to like my new forum. Give it a little time.
You’ve always been the type who wanted jump right in. And you always made a big splash.
love the new board Dr. Darden…cant wait to see the new ebook coming out
Glad to be here. It’s going to take a bit to figure out this site as you can tell I just sent the same question! Ha ha! Change is not something I’m fond of or good at. I loved the old site.The layout was so easy to use. I was always looking at old posts and friends and now they are gone. It made me feel like Jones was still around. I’ll see how this one goes!
“More focus on HIT”. Therein lies the rub. I worshipped at the altar of Mentzer and Dr Ken for nearly 15 years with little to show for it. I no longer train HIT style but remain interested in those who do and exhibit greater success than I ever had, hence my very occasional posts. I suppose that nostalgia is a powerful draw.
Nonetheless, great to see a redesign and hoping this “move” helps bring Dr D to a wider audience.
Hey Ray, Rob here, you on Facebook?
Hi Rob. How are you? No PMs here, I see. Yes, I’m on FB, albeit for one of my employers as my own account has lapsed a bit. Look up the “Finlaggan Trust”. I do bits and pieces for them in between photo editing and proofreading.
Oh yes, new 5kg deadlift and 3kg Push Press PRs. Going great.
Will do mate. Though I’ll prob start a log on the over35s soon. Great work on the big 2:)
Hi Rob. Just checked that forum. Creaking limbs abound.
I guess I’m not the brightest bulb because I saw Mentzer train like a lion many times lifting entire stacks with ease and I saw him open his gym bag and talk about all the drugs he was using and still I tried to emulate his workouts forgetting it’s a whole other ball game for somebody on steroids. I knew early on he had long muscle bellies so I attributed his strength and growth to his intensity and long muscle bellies and not the drugs and he was on every drug he could get. Look at the giant guys you see in muscle magazines and even the not so giant. Over 90% of them are on something and a natural guy can’t even come close to that no matter how hard you workout .
Best of luck with the new forum Dr. Darden.
I have been involved in HIT in some way or another since 1982 ( i remember you giving a seminar at Cannons Sports Club in London when I was an instructor there) , and i used to post on the old one occasionally , but eventually found that I did not have the time to engage regularly in discussions , although I continued to regularly visit the site to read the topics,articles and discussions.
I’m looking forward to visiting and reading your articles and stories , along with the contributions of other members.
Mark Houghton
Yes, I remember well the several times I visited Cannons in London. Cannons did a great job in their training and programing.
I thoroughly enjoyed those days and still look back at them with a smile on my face, with even my nickname “Mr Nautilus” (due to my promotion and application of both the equipment and principles) bringing back fond memories (I was often asked to convince the “unconvinced” who believed one set was too easy for them .So a visit to the duo squat/leg press which usually involved the infimetric/akinetic bar always got them seeing it differently ! ) .
Irrespective of training systems it highlights one thing that is severely lacking in today’s health clubs/commercial gyms , and that is hard work !
Thanks, Mark. You definitely got in the old days and are still getting it now.
I can’t find the thread but there was one where I think his name was Tim from T Nation mention he would see if we could access the archives of the old forum, if you see this Tim? can you comment, there were quite a few threads on there I’d like to download and save, thanks
It was under “Welcoming a True Legend”. Tim Patterson (cofounder of T Nation) made the comment.
I think all my posts have a lock on them as Disney has shown interest in them, ha ha !!
Actually there’s a bidding war for them between Paul McCartney and Elon Musk, ha ha !