New-ish Here. Back At It

Well, wasn’t sure about starting here or the over 35 section but here goes. I’m Phillip, I lifted regularly back in high school and some in college, but that’s been 20 years. At my best I was 184 pounds (5’9"), and pretty strong. (340 bench, not sure about the rest, I was a kid. Lol). Well, over the years ballooned to 255 lbs, then starved down to 190 lbs, but looked sick. Not the good kinda sick lol. Now I’m back up to 233 lbs and a lard ass. So 2 weeks ago started back into a gym, trying to take it slow due to old sports injuries, but my mind don’t ease into things well. I especially have to nurse my shoulders a bit, but they seem to feel better each day. So far it has been a little sporadic at the shitty gym i go to, not following a true program yet. Jist getting warmed up, so to speak. Going to start an actual program soon. When i decide which one will work best for me. Also started meal prepping to shed some fat, while getting stronger at the same time. I’m hitting around 2100 calories a day with a 200 grams of protein goal. Clean foods, protein shakes and bars, creatine and a multivitamin. Anyway, just wanted to say hi, I’m thrilled to be here and already learning a ton. The basics will always be the same, but a lot of other stuff has changed in 20 years. Oh, I turned 39 three weeks ago, but want to be much better when I hit 40.

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Us old farts reliving the glory days gotta stick together. Depending on your goals, make sure you check out Wendler’s 5/3/1 when looking at programs. A lot more thoughtful than the 5x5 programs I’ve run across and overall just a solid format.

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Hell yeah man. I’ll check that one out. Thanks!