New Here. Need Some Advice.

I am 22 years old. Been training for 1 1/2 years now. I have had no previous cycle history.

  • 96.5kg(212lb)
  • 5’9.5"
  • 20% BF

Lifting Stats (1RM):

  • 110kg Bench(242lb)
  • 150kg Squat(330lb)
  • 165kg Dead Lift(363lb)
  • 90kg Shoulder Press(198lb)

I have been thinking about cycling for a while now. I am just wondering in which direction I should go. In the following I will outline the two cycles that I want to choose between and the substances used are the ones I have access to.

Cycle Option #1:
Goal: Add atleast 10kg of Lean muscle and cut the fat after PCT.

  • Test enanthate 500mg/week for 1-10. Pinning Monday and Thursday.
  • T3 50mcg/ED for 1-10. Daily.
  • Liquidex .25mg/ED for 1-10. Daily.

For PCT I have Letrozole and Clomid.

I would consider using DBOL in this cycle but with my extra Bodyfat I see no point in adding water weight.

Cycle Option #2:
Goal: Cut 5-10% Bodyfat and add a few KG of lean muscle.

  • Test enanthate 250mg/week for 1-10. Pinning Monday and Thursday.
  • Equipoise 250mg/week for 1-10. Pinning Wednesday.
  • Winstrol 150mg/week for 1-5. Pinning Tuesday and Friday and Sunday.
  • T3 50mcg/ED for 1-10. Daily
  • Liquidex .25mg/ED for 1-10. Daily.

For PCT I have Letrozole and Clomid.

So these are my two cycle options. I know my body fat is high etc but my friend had the same body fat and used Anabolics and had good results.
I ask for some advice on which cycle to choose or what to change in a cycle, or maybe even a mix up between the two if it would work?

Remember, these are what I could get my hands on and I don’t have any other source to get it from so I have to deal with what I have.

I appreciate and thank you in advance for all help and criticism.

You really don’t need to cycle. You need to diet and train properly. Think about AAS when you’re down around 12% bf. yes people see results with 20% but AAS is not for losing fat. Cutting cycles are not meant for losing 5-10%bf. If you decide anyways to do it, your second cycle is terrible. 250 of test E and EQ is a waste. EQ should be minimum 12 weeks but better suited for 16+. If you’re shutting yourself down may as well do 500mg/week of test. Can’t comment on T3, and most would probably say winny isn’t great for first cycle. Test at 500/week is your basic.

You really don’t need to cycle. You need to diet and train properly. Think about AAS when you’re down around 12% bf. yes people see results with 20% but AAS is not for losing fat. Cutting cycles are not meant for losing 5-10%bf. If you decide anyways to do it, your second cycle is terrible. 250 of test E and EQ is a waste. EQ should be minimum 12 weeks but better suited for 16+. If you’re shutting yourself down may as well do 500mg/week of test. Can’t comment on T3, and most would probably say winny isn’t great for first cycle. Test at 500/week is your basic.