Hey guys
I am very new here and was looking for a chance to pick the minds of some of you.
Quick run done 18 months ago I was 5’10 and 420 pounds, ran in to many issues with my health and finally my GP sent me to a specialist. That being said we found a number of issues that are being sorted out, also it was deemed to suffer from Low T. Not sure if the measurements are the same between Canada and the USA however my specialist has tested both Free and Bio available testosterone and has said my levels being a 35 year old male would be between 300-1000 ng/dl however my levels where at 210…
Over the course of a year we started with Androgel and increased the doses every 12 weeks to a point the specialist suggested it was not absorbing so he moved me to a Oral medication a 40MG tablet which seemed to cause other issues between my diet and other issues ( Liver, kidney ) I was pulled off the orals and put onto IM Injections… Started at 100mg/ml per month called Delatestryl we did this for 3 months did blood work and my levels where up to 225 which he increased me 100mg every two weeks and after 3 months we had no change so he moved me to 100mg a week… levels increased slightly to 235… He said my goal would be around 500-600… doing so it would reduce the issues I am having due to the Low T mostly Depression, anxious and mood swings… Finally after a year on injections they have moved me to 200mg a week… my last blood work was 280mg/ml…
Now over the course of 18 months before my last blood work last month, I have dropped down to 290 pounds, become much more active, at the gym 3-4 times a week mostly doing cardio, doing some weights just trying to shed pounds… being told the more I lose the better everything will get… After my last appointment last month the Doc pretty much told me that I was at more than enough of a dose, and that I am on track losing weight and staying on 200mg a week we should see great improvements on my next follow up which is now scheduled for 6 months… I don’t feel great improvement everything i read and have been told its still a mickey mouse dose and don’t understand why they wont increase it…
Now to my questions here now that there is some history… anything else you need to know please ask!
now when I got my new dose from the pharmacy 4 months ago, they imputted my dose wrong as i was previouly on a substatute that was 100mg/ml dose so they where doing 2ml per shot, then they got in my regular stuff which is 200mg/ml and they left it at 2ml per shot but was only taking the 1 as i know i should be taking the 200mg a week not 400mg… did not say anything at first as i figured i would be incased sooner or later and might need it whatever… so i have a few extra veils of test and two weeks ago out of frustration i took a 2ml shot and three days later my wife made a comment that I seemed more energetic and calm… did not think anything of it 6 days in i felt a bit of a decline… took the 400mg shot again and again three days in felt pretty good… So clearly the increased dose is helping…
My question is,. Would i be best to stagger and do the 200ml shot every say 4 days to keep it at a higher dose but more stable across my week? are the ups and downs something that will go better as it builds up in my system?
I did noticed this week at the gym, i felt stronger… now im not on a big dose but i guess even if its bringing me back up to a some what normal range i would feel some difference, not huge difference but i seem able to do the extra set of reps, i did add some weight on my bench press, this week added 10 more pounds and still pushed the full 3 sets of 20 i was doing last week not sure if 10 pounds something to get excited about or not.
But with summer coming, when im going to be most active… i get out and Mountain bike i don’t want to waste the next 6 months fighting a dose that may not be enough and want to take advantage of what I have while i can…