I’m looking into getting a new bench shirt and I’m thinking of either the Benchdaddy Bison shirt or the Inzer Bolt.
Has anyone tried these new shirts, like the killer b and super bison shirts?
How are they compared to the Inzer shirts?
Also has anyone tried the Inzer Bolt? How is it compared to the Rage X
Inzer bolt is single ply.
The others are unlimited.
These are 2 vastly different things, even if you get a “single ply” bison it’s not a single ply bench shirt, it’s a single ply band shirt.
I don’t know too many single ply guys that use Inzer, most are Titan Katanas.
Do you have much shirted benching experience? If so go ahead and get what ever you want, but if you don’t have a ton of experience I’d stay away from the band shirts. Your body isn’t ready to handle that type of load.
Yeah I use shirts. I have always loved using the Inzer denim shirts and I have used the Rage X. But I want something different
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Go ahead and get that band shirt then. It’ll definitely be different!
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I’ve seen 600# benchers in a SDP go to 800 with a band shirt.
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Is it legal in the apf, RPS, & other feds?
RPS is yes for unlimited( band shirts )
Unsure about APF.
XPC is a yes. SPF is a yes.
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Just ordered a 2ply F8. Hopefully be in this week. I’ll do an update on it when I get the chance for anyone with questions or interest in them.
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Can’t wait to hear about it!! I want to get one myself
Here’s 545 first time in it. Bodyweight 246.
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Just got a new single ply F8 yesterday. I can’t wait to start training in it!!
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Here’s my first ever 600lb bench. 2nd time in the 2ply F8.
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Just picked up the F8 Widowmaker slingshot. This was a last set at 500x5. Nice tool to overload the bench!
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2nd attempt 606
3rd attempt 650
Competed over the weekend. Opener 551 red lighted for butt off the bench. 2nd attempt 606lb was good. Vid is 3rd attempt at 650lb good lift.
2ply Forell F8 shirt.
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