Imagine how I felt when my closest friend called me this morning, one last time, before he hung himself.
Completely unexpected, as I imagine many suicides are. We spoke all the time, and he never brought up anything that could lead to this. Something was obviously troubling him, it’s a shame he never told anyone about it though. We shared everything. Everything.
Although I’ll be grieving for a while, I have no regrets because, well, because we never half measured anything. I was one of 2 people that got him - and the only 2 of his friends that got that call.
But, I know he made his mind up as he never did anything without thinking it through. To him, the only way suicide would ever be an option was if the bad were greatly outweighed by the bad. He just never told anyone about the “bad”. I would’ve felt worse if it was actually an accident, but my only loss and grievance is a great friend.
I was due to see him in 4 weeks, as I moved away a few years back and would go back home once a year to see friends and family.
Funny part is he always wanted to know what happens after life - I guess he knows now.
Peace out, mother fucker.