I’m a skinny guy and my goal is to gain muscle mass. I want to be as effective as possible.
I’m currently eating like a mad man and I already see some weight coming on. I’m using the best damn workout plan for natural lifters for 2 weeks now and I like the concept. I always track the weights I use and the reps I do with those weights via a app. Currently I always try to do heavier weight then the previous session with the same exercices. Would you say it would be more beneficial to use lower weights but really feel the muscle instead of trying to get stronger with the best damn workout plan? And I’m trying to wrap my head around what those session should be like intensity wise?
Now today I read your article about the Neural Charge Training.
Would you recommend that over the best damn training program for a skinny guy like me that wants to put on as much muscle mass as possible?
That is actually a very good question. You should strive to lift more weight BUT not at the expense of feeling the right muscle do the work. If you can add weight while maintaining the same quality of contraction, that;s what you need to do. If by adding weight you lose some of the tension in the target muscle, wait one or two workout prior to adding weight.
Neural charge workouts are NOT to build muscle. It is to recharge the nervous system when you feel mentally drained or as a recovery tool during a deload week.