I was injecting 3CC’s into quads routinely. After 5-6 weeks the pain was pretty much gone. But, I am slightly sadistic and was a pincushion at the time so I need more spots to hit.
Every now and then it would be pretty sore. I found doing legs / riding the bike on pretty high resistance the days of injections helped a lot to move the oil out and reduce soreness.
I used 23 gauge - 1 inch. Lower in vastus lateralis was best for me.
Now, I will say injecting the super test 450 I would never do again anywhere without cutting it.
you guys just aren’t open minded and can’t comprehend what’s being told to you. If you done your research and understood how T and E2 works in men you would not be asking the questions you are or saying the things you do. We literally got thousands of physicians agree and thousands of patients that we have saved the lives of but you guys chose to remain uneducated.