So heres my story. Diagnosed with testicular cancer February 2013. Had an orchiectomy followed by chemo. Never been the same since. Doctors said I would recover and everything would be ok. I began to continuously gain weight, but could never lose it. Slowly lost motivation to do anything, even the things I enjoyed. For the last two years I have been struggling with no libido, can’t lose weight, anxiety, mild sporadic depression, loss of strength, loss of muscle mass, constant fatigue and soreness. I went to my PCM in March 2015 and told him all of this. He ran a bunch of tests including LH, FSH, Total T. I never saw the results, but he told me everything was normal. So I just kept on dealing with being miserable everyday. I had been tossing around the idea of a cycle of test e, and had bought some. I was skeptical whether or not to do a cycle, so I was just holding on to it. Then this past February, I found that I could see all of my lab results online. This is what I saw.
06 March 2015
Total T - 272.6 ng/dL
Prolactin - 6.92 mg/mL
LH - 10.8 mIU/mL
FSH - 10.6 mIU/mL
Once I saw that I went back to my PCM and asked him about it. He said “It’s just barely out of range so…” and “I’m not doing anything with testosterone” I talked him into running another test. Again he only ran Total T, which came back at
09 March 2016
Total T - 259.3
Now I convinced him to refer me to an endocrinologist. I went in and talked to her and she had labs put in.
23 March 2016
Total T - 265.6 ng/dL
Free T - 6.6 ng/dL
SHBG - 16.86 mol/L
FSH - 8.3 mIU/ml
Estradiol- 15.0 pg/mL
LH 8.9 mIU/mL
Had a follow up with her last thursday, to review these results. I was fully expecting to begin a TRT regimen of test cyp injections, which we had talked about during the first appointment. Then I got there and she told me everything was fine and wouldn’t be recommending or providing TRT. So I tried to talk to her, to get her to stop just looking at numbers and listen to me. That wasn’t happening, but she did put in for another set of labs and offered to track my levels. So I said thank you and left. Went in for labs the next morning.
21 April 2016
Total T - 308.5 ng/dL
Free T - 6.92 ng/dL
LH - 9.0 mIU/mL
FSH - 9.2 mIU/mL
SHBG - 21.04 nmol/L
Having seen all of these numbers and having the Test E on hand, knowing I’m not getting a script at this time I decided I would try my own replacement/ supplementation. I injected 250mg testosterone enanthate and plan to run 200mg/week for six weeks and then get my labs done. I have anastrazole and nolvadex on hand.
Obviously this is a higher dose than some or most TRT regimens but it’s just where I started and can always adjust. I was initially going to run 125mg/week, but I kept seeing other peoples labs and results of levels close to or just over 1000 from running 200-250 mg/week. So I talked my self into starting there, knowing that was probably a little much. But we will see. My only issue so far is some pain and swelling at near the injection site. I injected into my outer left quad, using this video as a reference. Testosterone Intramuscular Injection - YouTube
The site is swollen, stiff, painful to the touch, warm, and splotchy red. I’m not terribly worried as I’m sure its just Tissue Irritation, but would love some input on that also. The gear I used is from Geneza which seems to be one of the more reputable UG labs. I took all precautions to clean and prep everything also.