[quote]nsareeram wrote:
Cortes wrote:
Just looking at your profile and avatar…really…are you for real? I mean, isn’t your supposed job to put people like us, the ones you are asking for help, in jail for years and years, for doing basically the same thing you are asking? And you put a picture of yourself up when you are working narco/gang unit? Something smells a bit fishy here.
Cortes, not sure where to start on my reply. I mean, thank you for the information I was looking for but in the same breath, what the f*ck? You know, I should have figured I’d recieve “what the hell copper?” responses but geesh, I thought maybe people in this forum could keep it real. Oh well, just another personal attack at the profession I chose; I must say I am used to it by now.
Maybe you’re just keepin it real and legal though, eh officer?
Well, yes, as a matter of fact I am. Sorry, I thought I was ‘supposed’ to keep it legal. Am I misunderstanding something here?
Should have stuck with the illegal stuff.
Sorry, not quite an option for ‘us cops.’
It is inherently safer than what you are now forced to use by the laws you have sworn to uphold. How’s that for irony?
I believe that…and due to the fact you think I’m a troll, and to avoid further irreverent comments and stabs at my job I’ve happily removed my main image. …applause…
OP, in all honestly, I thought your post was a troll. If you’ve been around this forum as long as I have, you’d realize exactly why I thought so. I can even list them off for you:
Problem with a prohormone
Poor information about the mechanisms behind said prohormone
Poor information about the effects of the steroid it is said to mimic.
Profession listed as NARCOTICS OFFICER!?
Supercop picture as avatar
28% bf
2 posts
Very recent join date
Can you maybe see why some people here might have wondered at your post?
As far as your profession, I have the utmost respect for it, believe it or not. My father has been a law enforcement agent in one capacity or another for over 35 years. My only brother is also about to join a careen in LE. In fact, we have a couple of LE guys who post here, one of whom I would consider to be one of the smarter guys in this forum. But when you come in with a 2 post count and that avatar and all of your information right there in your profile…it’s a bit like you walking into Compton in uniform and started trying to small-talk the locals. You didn’t expect a “yeah-right!” response?
Since you appear not to be a troll, I hope that you get this taken care of. Now, how are you going to legally get ahold of that nolvadex?