No man, you didnt follow anyones advice. You have made 10 topics on what steroids you should use, and in every single one, people were telling you to learn to eat and train.
You ignored my advice, and only took the part you liked, that was a general discussion.
Ofc, because my advice is about what works. But it doesnt change the fact that most people get your numbers natty. You just waste gear and risk health to get stuff that is FREE.
Every girl i have trained, gains 20lbs in the first year, just by learning to count macros, total calories and doing basic barbell movements.
You have created more topics on steroids here than anyone else, but you are still smaller than my father or grandfather who never trained, or me when i was 18yr old, natty and didnt know anything about anything.
The advice from me, and everyone else, 2 years ago, when you started making topics, was that you need to eat and train, and leave drugs alone for some years. You ignored that advice. You took the parts you liked about general discussion about drugs and dosages and did cycle after a cycle, and guess what - after all this time on steroids, you are around 10lbs heavier and with the same childish mentality.
As soon as you go off, you will lose those lousy 10lbs also, because nothing besides drugs are holding them.
By starting way too soon, and because you never learned to eat and train, you are smaller than average natty dude in the gym and despite being on steroids long enough, you still didnt manage to max the natty gains… you actually grow less on steroids, than i can make a natty woman grow by just knowing basics.