Had started another thread to ask whether this is a pelvic anterior tilt or just big glutes(if thats the case) but am posting a pic here so that people who had replied on this thread might get a chance to look at this and comment
I already started a thread about not been able to fit into pants cause my butt is too strong.
I also outlined some tips about buying pants and sitting technique so the pants dont split.
Use the search engine and check ot out. tweet tweet
[quote]dipym666 wrote:
Had started another thread to ask whether this is a pelvic anterior tilt or just big glutes(if thats the case) but am posting a pic here so that people who had replied on this thread might get a chance to look at this and comment[/quote]
I can’t believe I’m posting…ahem…OK, here I go…(taking a deep breath then speaking quickly) Yourbuttisnottoobigcarryon.
[quote]dipym666 wrote:
Had started another thread to ask whether this is a pelvic anterior tilt or just big glutes(if thats the case) but am posting a pic here so that people who had replied on this thread might get a chance to look at this and comment[/quote]
I can’t believe I’m posting…ahem…OK, here I go…(taking a deep breath then speaking quickly) Yourbuttisnottoobigcarryon.
LOL… alright alright I get it… not another word from me… back to business
If you are that worried about this, lose enough bodyfat so there is some definition in your glutes and hamstrings. Then re-asess.
Oh yeah, props to you for having the courage to post a picture of your ass on T-Nation.
[quote]ultralars wrote:
what you really got is anterior pelvic tilt [/quote]
Hey ultralars or anyone give me some more details on this. I’ve read about the tilt but am totally confused about how to detect it. It would be great if I get inputs from other people.