Need Some Help. Big Glutes

Had started another thread to ask whether this is a pelvic anterior tilt or just big glutes(if thats the case) but am posting a pic here so that people who had replied on this thread might get a chance to look at this and comment

Lol wut?

I already started a thread about not been able to fit into pants cause my butt is too strong.
I also outlined some tips about buying pants and sitting technique so the pants dont split.
Use the search engine and check ot out.
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[quote]dipym666 wrote:
Had started another thread to ask whether this is a pelvic anterior tilt or just big glutes(if thats the case) but am posting a pic here so that people who had replied on this thread might get a chance to look at this and comment[/quote]

I can’t believe I’m posting…ahem…OK, here I go…(taking a deep breath then speaking quickly) Yourbuttisnottoobigcarryon.


[quote]Nards wrote:

[quote]dipym666 wrote:
Had started another thread to ask whether this is a pelvic anterior tilt or just big glutes(if thats the case) but am posting a pic here so that people who had replied on this thread might get a chance to look at this and comment[/quote]

I can’t believe I’m posting…ahem…OK, here I go…(taking a deep breath then speaking quickly) Yourbuttisnottoobigcarryon.

LOL… alright alright I get it… not another word from me… back to business :expressionless:

GHR’s have really made an ass out of me.

If you are that worried about this, lose enough bodyfat so there is some definition in your glutes and hamstrings. Then re-asess.
Oh yeah, props to you for having the courage to post a picture of your ass on T-Nation.

Adding my 2 cents: looks fine to me. I think that it is probably impossible to BUILD an ass that is too big.

The question in my head when I read this thread was, “Too big for what?”

what you really got is anterior pelvic tilt

[quote]veggiestrong wrote:

The question in my head when I read this thread was, “Too big for what?”[/quote]

A proper reach around.

[quote]ultralars wrote:
what you really got is anterior pelvic tilt [/quote]

Hey ultralars or anyone give me some more details on this. I’ve read about the tilt but am totally confused about how to detect it. It would be great if I get inputs from other people.

LMGTFY - Let Me Google That For You pelvic tilt