Need Help with Routine

Hey gents,

I’ve been training for 3 years so far and have always given each muscle group about a week to recover after working said muscle. I have just started a workout regime with a buddy and he is training something like this:


The question that I have is that before, when I used to give my muscles a week to recover I would feel it the next day, but now that I have started doing this I haven’t been feeling it the next. Just wondering if I should go back to giving it A week in between or continue doing this?


Depends on how old/fit you are is my guess.

Personally, I tried lifting 3x a week and didn’t make any notable gains. So I went to lifting everyday, with a squat/dead-lift split, and I made quite a bit of gain.

If you’re young(20-40ish), then you can probably lift everyday with little consequence,so long as the form is correct and the weight isn’t soul-crushing for your body.

Though I’m sure everyone would ask you to give more information. It’s difficult to discuss rhetoric with lifting.

Soreness does not = growth, search “DOMS” for some nice discussions on this topic. If you’re still pushing yourself hard you will make progress on a P/P/L routine.

I definitely made my best size gains training 3 days on 1 day off.

I’ve never personally been convinced most people (beginners in particular) need a whole week to recover from training each body part/movement (with the exception of MAYBE deadlifts & super-duper-high-volume leg work-outs etc).

Furthermore, smaller muscles such as biceps, triceps, forearms, calves tend to recover fairly quickly however hard you smash em…so yeah, I’d stick with your friends method for at least 6 months & see how it goes.

I would not do Legs the day after Pull. That just sounds like a catastrophe.

Do Push, Legs, Pull, off, repeat.

Or Legs Push Pull.