I set out just over a year ago to add some mass. I started out around 95kg at around 16% bf.
Well a year later I’m 97kg and look similar bf (I cant test it as before as I quit the gym to workout at home now). I didn’t take any measurements (which was stupid really) so I can’t really check but according to the wife I have added some fat but also some muscle. But either way I don’t look like I’ve added much muscle in a year.
Looking through my log, I went up to 105kg and got to 20% bf and did a mini cut to get back to 15%.
So I feel like I’ve wasted a whole year again just spinning my wheels. I’ve not made any substantial gains again.
I feel like my workouts have been on point with intensity and volume but looking back through my nutrition log I can’t seem to get the balance between either cutting properly (as I really struggle to break 12% bf) or gaining a little (rather than eating clean and then eating rubbish on top).
I blame part of this on me being somewhat of a weekend warrior liking a drink and also I seem to eat really clean Monday to Friday and then lose track at the weekend.
I think my nutrition habits in general are a bit messed up. I workout in the morning but have my only really big meal in the evening with the family (to avoid getting my ass kicked by my wife). A normal Monday - Friday day is
6:00 - 2 scoop shake
8:00 - 5 eggs and 1 slice toast and butter
10:00 - 2 scoop shake
12:00 - 1 chicken breast and veg
15:00 - 1 chicken breast
17:00 - dinner, meat, potato and veg (Big meal)
That leaves me in a deficit but at the weekend I seem to have a lot more carbs and end up in a week being in a maintenance position and some alcohol to.
So when I try and bulk I basically added more carbs (via oats adding around 500kal) into my Monday - Friday meal plan bur just end up putting fat on.
So really I feel like shit, thinking I’ve wasted a year and really could do with some help or stuff to read to try and sort my nutritional habits out and get to be adding some muscle.
Any help would be appreciated.