Need Advice

[quote]LjSimpson08 wrote:

Irish, you’ve obviously never used the plea self defense, I have several times on the street, after I got off work at a nightclub, and in the nightclub. And cop’s will always be bias againest previous offenders.

And to the “get the fuck off these boards” when you’ve studied even half the martial arts I have then you can talk shit, until them go throw fist like those old punch out games and leave questions you have no clue about to the people who actually have a valid and informative answer.[/quote]

You haven’t answered any of my questions, given sources for any of your “statistics”, and the only shit you’ve talked about is this “nightclub” experience?

You’re a fucking moron who doesn’t know shit. Another fourteen year old tough guy wannabe giving out advice on the internet that he should go challenge 13 people to a fight.

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
LjSimpson08 wrote:
slimjim wrote:
Ah yes, the internet, where everyone has a blackbelt and a 500 lbs bench press

Its not even about that, KMC and Irish need to get over themselves and realize while yes they may be experts at wrestling, boxing, and “situational” which is still point karate jackass, they have no clue about combat effective martial arts that actually teachs the science of dealing with multiple opponents. And Slimjim seeing as how I really doubt you have any experience in this ethier, kindly troll somewhere else.

I am no expert at anything. Neither are you. But my experiences in bars and “the street” far exceed anything in a sparring ring.

You can’t reply because you have no answers and are wrong. Now take your trolling cunt ass back to Sherdog and go hang out with the rest of the dickless fucking internet warriors. [/quote]

Or what, your going to insult me some more with your grammatical whit ? And did your magic 8 ball tell you I’m not a expert at anything, because my markmanship instructor gave me a excellent rating with the m-60, m-16, m-4, 9mm, mk-46, and 12 gauge shotgun and the very knowledgeable HTH instructors in Kingsbay, Ga gave me a expert rating in HTH, so ummmmmm ya, what formal training have you had for combat, oh wait; None, Zero, Big Goose Egg.

[quote]LjSimpson08 wrote:
FightinIrish26 wrote:
LjSimpson08 wrote:
slimjim wrote:
Ah yes, the internet, where everyone has a blackbelt and a 500 lbs bench press

Its not even about that, KMC and Irish need to get over themselves and realize while yes they may be experts at wrestling, boxing, and “situational” which is still point karate jackass, they have no clue about combat effective martial arts that actually teachs the science of dealing with multiple opponents. And Slimjim seeing as how I really doubt you have any experience in this ethier, kindly troll somewhere else.

I am no expert at anything. Neither are you. But my experiences in bars and “the street” far exceed anything in a sparring ring.

You can’t reply because you have no answers and are wrong. Now take your trolling cunt ass back to Sherdog and go hang out with the rest of the dickless fucking internet warriors.

Or what, your going to insult me some more with your grammatical whit ? And did your magic 8 ball tell you I’m not a expert at anything, because my markmanship instructor gave me a excellent rating with the m-60, m-16, m-4, 9mm, mk-46, and 12 gauge shotgun and the very knowledgeable HTH instructors in Kingsbay, Ga gave me a expert rating in HTH, so ummmmmm ya, what formal training have you had for combat, oh wait; None, Zero, Big Goose Egg.


I could careless about formal training. And from the way you talk, either your instructors were retards or you had someone else show up.

Again, you’ve answered nothing, just spewed out useless crap, as always

[quote]LjSimpson08 wrote:
slimjim wrote:
Ah yes, the internet, where everyone has a blackbelt and a 500 lbs bench press

Its not even about that, KMC and Irish need to get over themselves and realize while yes they may be experts at wrestling, boxing, and “situational” which is still point karate jackass, they have no clue about combat effective martial arts that actually teachs the science of dealing with multiple opponents. And Slimjim seeing as how I really doubt you have any experience in this ethier, kindly troll somewhere else.[/quote]

Haha, you’ve been telling a dude who is in conflict with a group of people with overwhelming numbers that he should somehow instigate an attack and put one down as if that is the best idea to end the situation. Why the fuck should someone seek out a confrontation with people who are going to have him outnumbered 13-1?

I ain’t into rocket scientry, but I do know I’m not going to run up and front kick some dude in a group of 13 hoping that the rest scatter as a result. Even if that shit works that one time, what happens when you put their boy in the hospital and the next time you’re walking up to your door the 12 remaining dudes grab you from behind and assault you with baseball bats? There ain’t no marshal art in the world that’ll save you when that many dudes are beating on you, and having put one of their boys in the hospital, the subsequent assault may leave you dead.

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
LjSimpson08 wrote:

I have been on the receiving end of a stomp fest, many times which is why I learned how to defend my self from such things.

I don’t believe you. At all.

The next, It’s been Statistically proven that if you use overwhelming physical violence the average asshole will run,

Prove it. Give me a source.

so just because your queerbate wrestling and sport judo (which is a sport of cooperation now adays)

As compared to what deadly art that you do?

And as I recall, Sonny Barger said that wrestlers always faired the best in prison fights that he’d seen. Go figure. Only for queers though.

can not achieve such results does not mean its not possible,

No proof of this.

it is and has been proven time and again or whole military’s would not use Krav Magra, Systema, or Hv-10 and whole countries would not seek out and pay 100’s of thousands of dollars for Akido and Wingchun grandmasters to train personal bodyguards of diplomats and dignitary’s,

Prove it.

Every military has their hand to hand fighting skill. It’s basic and involves the use of weapons whenever possible. Knowing Krav or systema doesn’t mean shit, especially depending on how how much you actually learn of it.

They teach you the very basics, and move you back to the weapons range.

people live and die by true combat arts every day, again statistic.

Again, prove it. Where are these aikidoists dueling in the streets? The krav artists fighting in life or death battles?

And here, I’ll describe a kneecap to you. You kick it the knee buckles backward, tendons are sometimes ripped partially or snapped completely and the result trauma will often render them unconcious or incapable of continuing to fight, which is why its a prescribed means of stopping a threat in many systems of martial sciences.

And I guaran-fucing-tee that that doesn’t happen every time you’re in a fight. Sometimes, you slip because the floor is wet. Or sometimes, the guy is on meth and doesn’t even feel it. You truly don’t get it.

And by you constantly calling me a catalog ninja when you don’t even know me only cements your insecurity’s and lack of experience in applying force to disable and incapacitate people.

No, it’s because you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.

And before its brought up, Boxing, Kickboxing, and Wrestling has only been proven as the supperior “Sport fighting”, not practical means to kill, maim, or disable physical aggressors.

Really? Then how come all these boxers who get in street fights do so damn well? Like Arturo Gatti, Tyson, Kelly Pavlik… hell, the list goes on.

If boxing is so useless, why did they have Joe Louis teach combatives to the Army in WWII? I thought military shit was the be all end all?


I’m not going to play fact finder for you idiot. As far as wrestling being the best in prison fights, ya, I can see that; but I’ve also seen a prison fight when I was thinking about being a corrections officer and I can tell you it’s mostly 1 to 2 guys fighting another 1 to 2 guys and a bunch of people cheering like Fightclub, so I’m not surprised. As far as boxing is concerned, yes It’s damn effective 1 vs 1, but does not train you at all for situations out side of a fair fight. To answer the boxing during WWII, the army’s hand to hand combat program was generalized to all service members at that point but prior to that different styles of martial arts were tested and picked apart for use in special operations units only. And again, even if they are on Meth, if you break the joint they can’t use the arm. As far as Grandmasters of a art that are 80 fucking years old not dueling in the street, you tell me, oh wait they are 80 years old.

As far as what I’ve done that counts as a “deadly art”. Systema, JKD, Hv-10.

And again as far as you believing me, I could care less. Your just some nobody in Jersey who think’s he’s hard. I only posted to help the guy out and give him options, what he does is up to him.

Oh and yes I did answer this all backwards because I frankly don’t care as to whether I inconvenience you.

[quote]slimjim wrote:
LjSimpson08 wrote:
slimjim wrote:
Ah yes, the internet, where everyone has a blackbelt and a 500 lbs bench press

Its not even about that, KMC and Irish need to get over themselves and realize while yes they may be experts at wrestling, boxing, and “situational” which is still point karate jackass, they have no clue about combat effective martial arts that actually teachs the science of dealing with multiple opponents. And Slimjim seeing as how I really doubt you have any experience in this ethier, kindly troll somewhere else.

Haha, you’ve been telling a dude who is in conflict with a group of people with overwhelming numbers that he should somehow instigate an attack and put one down as if that is the best idea to end the situation. Why the fuck should someone seek out a confrontation with people who are going to have him outnumbered 13-1?

I ain’t into rocket scientry, but I do know I’m not going to run up and front kick some dude in a group of 13 hoping that the rest scatter as a result. Even if that shit works that one time, what happens when you put their boy in the hospital and the next time you’re walking up to your door the 12 remaining dudes grab you from behind and assault you with baseball bats? There ain’t no marshal art in the world that’ll save you when that many dudes are beating on you, and having put one of their boys in the hospital, the subsequent assault may leave you dead. [/quote]

No, I told him what he can do. I never told him to go fightclub on his ass, Irish and KMC think wrestling and boxing are the one all end all of “combat arts” when they are sports in every sense of the word and if they can’t do it no one can. And Baseball bats at the door equal shotgun and firing until you see no one on your porch. Beside’s he never said they know where he lives.

[quote]LjSimpson08 wrote:

I’m not going to play fact finder for you idiot.

Well then bitch, don’t say it’s a statistic. You say it, you back it up, because I don’t believe you, and I’m not chasing ghosts.

As far as wrestling being the best in prison fights, ya, I can see that;

But I thought it was- what, “queerbate.” So it works, sometimes, when kmc isn’t doing it. Got you.

Good. So you saw one prison fight, and that’s how it “mostly is?” You’ve never taken logic I guess.

My buddy just got back from being an MP in Iraq. The last day they had a riot in the prison. All it takes is one minute to get killed in that.

A good friend of mine who was locked up for a while used a mix of boxing and wrestling to keep his ass alive. But I bet you know what it was all about from your “thinking about being a corrections officer.”

It teaches you to strike in combinationa as fast as possible while accustoming you to getting hit, shedding punches, slipping, etc. while leaving you on your feet. I can’t think of anything better for a situation where there’s more than one opponent.

I don’t believe this either. Prior to WWII, most Asian arts were unknown to Americans. Two that were always in the western world were boxing and forms of grappling. That’s it.

IT was only after WWII that US military men brought the asian arts back to the states because they’d been stationed there.

So you’re blatantly making that up.

So? They can use the other one. Or club you with something. Nothing works all the time.

I don’t even know what this means. English Fail.

Anything can be a “deadly art” you horse’s ass. If I swing a pint glass at your face or I hit you and you hit your head on the ground and die, BANG I just created a “deadly art.”

No, I’m sorry. You’re an internet warrior wannabe taking on slews of enemies like it’s “The Rundown” or some shit. Again, Sherdog. Go home. Your home is calling you.

Oh and yes I did answer this all backwards because I frankly don’t care as to whether I inconvenience you.[/quote]

No dipshit, it’s because you don’t know how to do the line by line quoting thing.

[quote]LjSimpson08 wrote:

No, I told him what he can do. I never told him to go fightclub on his ass, Irish and KMC think wrestling and boxing are the one all end all of “combat arts” when they are sports in every sense of the word and if they can’t do it no one can. And Baseball bats at the door equal shotgun and firing until you see no one on your porch. Beside’s he never said they know where he lives.

Again, massive English fail here. You’re just babbling.

But I’ve always said that there’s no useless arts. They’re all good. But knowing one does not make you a lethal weapon, and sure as fuck doesn’t mean you’re not going to go to jail for using it.

Honestly Irish, Im simply going to ignore you for future purposes, you and KMC; and you want to know why ?

Because you both think you know it all and are badass, when in actuality you’ve never had to kill someone, you’ve never had to shoot someone and sure you got your ass beat in the streets because of your drug dealing friend, and that’s your own fault for having dumb friends. So all and all that does not make you badass, that makes you punkass wannabe’s who don’t research things before you open your mouths and answer a damn question.

And to clarify, I did not tell him to do one or another, I told him a few things he could try.


Advice from a man who purposely puts himself in harm’s way everyday for his paycheck:

Learn and respect “situational awareness.” This simple life skill will save your skin; it has mine time after time.

If at all possible, avoid the area. From what I can gather your situation doesn’t really require you to use that route or be in harm’s way unless it’s literally right in front of your home. Then you would call the police and file a civil complaint (remember that’s THEIR job).

Learn to run… and fast; hence the very much respected (by those who know) military term: “Retreat!”

Unlike the movies one man armies don’t exist!

So stay away, better safe than sorry. And that is not being a sissy, it’s just being smart.

In all fairness to ljsimpson, he did finish his original statement with avoid them.

[quote]LjSimpson08 wrote:
Honestly Irish, Im simply going to ignore you for future purposes, you and KMC; and you want to know why ?

No, I truly don’t care.

When you post retarded shit up, you’re getting called on it.

[quote]slimjim wrote:
In all fairness to ljsimpson, he did finish his original statement with avoid them.[/quote]

Yes but Irish has his Nazi glasses on.

[quote]LjSimpson08 wrote:
Systema, Wingchun, Krav Magra, Akido, HV-10 (which is a knockoff of Marine Special Operations and Navy Seal hand to hand training, and Kali (use asp as to not kill them).


A)They most likely have no combat expierence

B)If you completely crush one of them by way of a heel kick to the kneecap and a knee to the face they’ll run

C)If your not fond of blood and don’t know the above arts then avoid the area.[/quote]

How does avoiding the area get delegated to last option??? Anyone with common sense would advise that as the first option…even if you are proficient in Krav Maga,Systema,etc. You fail to realize that this isn’t about proving who has biggest nuts…its about best way to handle a potentially dangerous situation.

Good common-sense/awareness trumps any martial art. Good awareness/common-sense plus PROFICIENCY in a martial is great…but it does not guarantee a damn thing…it just increases the odds of surviving. But stupidity negates the increase in odds of survival.

And to save you some energy…this is not an issue of what combat systems are proven…blah…blah. Minimal reading comprehension skills are needed to see what the issue is here.

Blatant Godwin’s Law violation by ljsimpson. Also, he’s nuts. OP, don’t feel the least bit bad about taking another way home (and probably skip the headphones once you get off the bus/train).

@FightinIrish: At your recommendation on another thread I recently purchased both Meditations on Violence and The Little Black Book of Violence. They were both excellent reads. Both stressed the need to avoid fighting, especially with high-threat individuals or groups, whenever possible as the consequences are never good. Just giving some props.

And to be clear, there are few truly bad martial arts (the answer is: study multiple disciplines) but many bad martial artists. You might be a bad martial artist if you don’t see serious problems with starting a street fight against 13 thugs who are at the very least willing to arm themselves with nearby objects, if not definitely armed with edged weapons or firearms. The guidelines of ANY system would suggest the better part of valor here. (FI, I’m not saying you don’t get this, I apparently just like to hear myself type.)

[quote]DON D1ESEL wrote:
Blatant Godwin’s Law violation by ljsimpson. Also, he’s nuts. OP, don’t feel the least bit bad about taking another way home (and probably skip the headphones once you get off the bus/train).

@FightinIrish: At your recommendation on another thread I recently purchased both Meditations on Violence and The Little Black Book of Violence. They were both excellent reads. Both stressed the need to avoid fighting, especially with high-threat individuals or groups, whenever possible as the consequences are never good. Just giving some props.

I was very impressed by both of them too. I’m glad that you found them useful. I can tell you absorbed it, too- “skip the headphones when you’re off the train.” haha. Awareness is key.

And to be clear, there are few truly bad martial arts (the answer is: study multiple disciplines) but many bad martial artists. You might be a bad martial artist if you don’t see serious problems with starting a street fight against 13 thugs who are at the very least willing to arm themselves with nearby objects, if not definitely armed with edged weapons or firearms. The guidelines of ANY system would suggest the better part of valor here. (FI, I’m not saying you don’t get this, I apparently just like to hear myself type.)[/quote]

Absolutely agree. Any martial art is worth studying for one reason or another. Rarely is one actually “better” than another. None of them advocate suicidal attacks though.

In Summation:

  1. Avoid the area.
  2. Don’t start nothing.
  3. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you to purposely engage multiple opponents.
  4. If your gonna learn a style, learn to box. (- YouTube
    a good example of boxing usage on “the street”)
  5. Don’t listen to the guys who says because a martial art is used by a military its gonna save you from 13 attackers. Military fighting styles are designed to a)kill someone or b)incapacitate them long enough for your buddy with a gun to show up and kill them.
  6. The easiest battles are the ones you don’t have to fight.

Thanks for the replies everyone. I will try to avoid them and stay out of trouble. There is four routes home I can choose from. They like to hang out at all four, though, and if I wanted to avoid them it would add roughly ten minutes to my journey; which I’m not prepared to about-turn and make because a group of punks feel it necessary to throw things, or name call behind my back. I can see this turning into a game of roulette, lol.

I know what you mean by saying it would be my fault, Irish, for not avoiding them and I completely understand that, but I honestly don’t know what their problem is. Would you let a bunch of kids talk shit and throw things at you for no reason? I might just ask them who has and what is the problem next time we meet asctually. I think that’s a good idea.

[quote]andypotent wrote:
Thanks for the replies everyone. I will try to avoid them and stay out of trouble. There is four routes home I can choose from. They like to hang out at all four, though, and if I wanted to avoid them it would add roughly ten minutes to my journey; which I’m not prepared to about-turn and make because a group of punks feel it necessary to throw things, or name call behind my back. I can see this turning into a game of roulette, lol.

I know what you mean by saying it would be my fault, Irish, for not avoiding them and I completely understand that, but I honestly don’t know what their problem is. Would you let a bunch of kids talk shit and throw things at you for no reason? I might just ask them who has and what is the problem next time we meet asctually. I think that’s a good idea. [/quote]

Their problem is that they’re jerkoffs. There’s not much you can do to remedy that. How old are all of you?

Would I? No. I probably would have done the same thing you did- when I was young I used to do a good amount of tremendously stupid things that could’ve gotten me hurt. I got pretty lucky sometimes. I’m older now so people rarely go out of their way to bother me.

However, I never really faced a protracted situation like yours where I had to walk by the same threat every day, day in and day out.

The thing is, when you’ve got that many people, you’re kind of fucked. If you try and fight then you get arrested, maybe stomped, maybe both. If you do nothing, you’ll be self conscious about looking like a pussy.

What are your alternatives? Go another way, which will take longer but keep you out of their range. You could also keep walking past and ignoring them, hoping that nothing happens and the situation doesn’t get out of hand. If something does, though, then you’ve got to fight, and that will end up with you getting beat down. Maybe you’ll win, of course, but man I don’t like those odds.

If you have to walk by them, bring a friend or more. Don’t walk alone. Cross the street so you’re on the opposite side of where they are. Walk fast and don’t acknowledge them, but keep your eyes on them. Know where they are, and get out of there fast.

Well… WTF happened?