Usually around 3-4pm on my average work day I get a strong craving for a snack. I am looking to make some kind of shake in the morning and keep it in the refrigerator at work until I am ready and then I could just microwave it for a minute or so to warm it up. I was thinking I could make something that is more than protein so it would be quite nutritious and filling but I don’t really know what I should put in it. I was thinking something along these lines:
1 Serving Optimum Nutrition Chcolate Pro Complex
1/4 Serving Optimum Nutrition Vanila Casein
3 Spoon Fulls Wallnut (or almond) Butter
1 Banana?
1/3 Cup Orange Juice
If it helps my post workout, pre-dinner and pre-bed shakes are as follows:
Well if I put it in the refrigerator for 5 hours it’ll be kinda cold and I tend to prefer my shakes closer to room temp, I’d be using a glass water bottle
[quote]dreadlocks1221 wrote:
Well if I put it in the refrigerator for 5 hours it’ll be kinda cold and I tend to prefer my shakes closer to room temp, I’d be using a glass water bottle [/quote]