If a girl is harassing you and in addition to that, you feel that she may instigate violence against you (i.e. get a friend to jump you when your not looking or something of that nature) is filing for a restraining order appropriate?
Not fucking crazy bitch help at first … And having balls to make her understand to stay away from you could also help.
If you have a witness that she physically threaten you, you can go to the police.
I tried the ‘having balls to make her understand to stay away’ thing already and that’s part of why I feel I’m in this mess. And at the time, she seemed like a nice girl… It’s not her that I’m directly afraid of. It’s her friend who has over 60lbs of mass over me.
He has short reach, little to no endurance, and bad knees but one good punch (as in a sneak attack) would be it for me. I think she’s manipulating her friend through the fact that he has, is, or wants to fuck her (white-knight syndrome).
Honestly, how likely is it that this kid’ll jump you? In reality. Take out all your paranoid bologna from the equation and what do you have? If the answer is slim to none, then go click on SAMA and look at hot T-Vixens and booby pics.
If the answer is still “Bubba gone fuck me up and rape my asshole” then by all means make it known that HE sholdn’t fuck with you. Take out all her weapons and she’s just a dog barking at the wind son. You really have no concept of strategy do you…
Besides, wouldn’t the restraining order be against just her? May protect you from her anger but wouldn’t protect you from her Bubba friend. Sorry, I’ve never had to be restrained or restrain anyone and it would be hard to prove her involvement if he pounded you. Is this a case of “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?”
If so, your ass is grass! (Sorry, being funny. Angry women = scary!)
Avoid/ignore her as much as possible. Stay calm and civil when that’s not possible. She will hopefully tire of all this. If you were an ass, apologize for it and admit you were.
It’s been over 4 months since we dated and the hostility has only grown. At this point, I think I’m just going to make new friends and avoid the whole crew. We have some mutual friends but I’m really not to thrilled about them anyway. It’s just too easy for her to manipulate these guy friends she’s made who all believe in chivalry regardless of how right or wrong a woman is and her girl friends are either gullible or seem to play the same games she does.
I guess the guys just think they’ll get something good out of it. I’m somewhat new to the town so these people I know were just the first people I met and that I have anything in common with. Hopefully, she won’t try to start any more drama or try to tarnish my reputation but aside from her nuclear group of friends, I’m really not too concerned about her swaying anyone’s opinion.
Now that I’ve had some time to clear my head, that one guy did back down when he confronted me. He did a broad-side display and spoke to me in a way that was clearly an intimidation effort. As soon as he did that I went on high alert and got in a position to handle any potential lunge he might make and at that point the pitch of his voice started to get higher, he slowly backed up about a foot or two, and wasn’t squared up with me anymore (I relaxed a little too), and he started speaking a lot more like a peace maker and diplomat at that point than a bully.
[quote]Fletch1986 wrote:
It’s been over 4 months since we dated and the hostility has only grown. At this point, I think I’m just going to make new friends and avoid the whole crew. We have some mutual friends but I’m really not to thrilled about them anyway. It’s just too easy for her to manipulate these guy friends she’s made who all believe in chivalry regardless of how right or wrong a woman is and her girl friends are either gullible or seem to play the same games she does. I guess the guys just think they’ll get something good out of it. I’m somewhat new to the town so these people I know were just the first people I met and that I have anything in common with. Hopefully, she won’t try to start any more drama or try to tarnish my reputation but aside from her nuclear group of friends, I’m really not too concerned about her swaying anyone’s opinion.
Now that I’ve had some time to clear my head, that one guy did back down when he confronted me. He did a broad-side display and spoke to me in a way that was clearly an intimidation effort. As soon as he did that I went on high alert and got in a position to handle any potential lunge he might make and at that point the pitch of his voice started to get higher, he slowly backed up about a foot or two, and wasn’t squared up with me anymore (I relaxed a little too), and he started speaking a lot more like a peace maker and diplomat at that point than a bully.[/quote]
that whole crew sounds toxic … how old are you btw?
I’m 23.
[quote]Fletch1986 wrote:
I’m 23.[/quote]
WTF! for sure I thought you were going to tell me 16 or 17. (ok tell polo) I wouldn’t be too concerned, hell if you see the guy out buy him a beer and belly up to the bar with him. Don’t trash talk the girl but just say, look I’m done and I just want peace, not the drama.
Unless you have a guy who really has beef with you he is going to understand and tell her to chill out if she is going off in his ear. He may not ever directly tell her, yo, I talked with him and he is cool so just relax. But he will probably try to turn her attention more onto him.
Something like this. “don’t worry about him, he’s nothing just ignore the guy, so you wanna get a movei or something?”
Your other option is to get a shotgun, kick his door down at like 4AM, go up into his bedroom and put the gun in his mouth, tell him that if he or anyone else associated with crazy bitch even looks at you funny, they are going to have a lot of lead on thier mind, or rather in thier mind.
BTW just kidding about that last part.
I tried the telling her I want peace thing. She used it as an opportunity to tell me off and just trash talk at which point I overreacted and turned my back on her and flicked her off and told her to grow up and get over herself (yeah, I know, not the best reaction).
All her friends want to hear is her side. Because they’ve known her longer and are closer to her, they’re not going to hear my opinion which they’ve made clear and at this point it’s just worth it to take the time and energy to make good with them with all the issues I’ve taken notice of in the group.
Slit her fucking throat?
[quote]Fletch1986 wrote:
I tried the telling her I want peace thing. She used it as an opportunity to tell me off and just trash talk at which point I overreacted and turned my back on her and flicked her off and told her to grow up and get over herself (yeah, I know, not the best reaction).
All her friends want to hear is her side. Because they’ve known her longer and are closer to her, they’re not going to hear my opinion which they’ve made clear and at this point it’s just worth it to take the time and energy to make good with them with all the issues I’ve taken notice of in the group.[/quote]
She’s immature. Don’t waste your time fighting with her.
If the dude jumps you, you swing like a mad man and fight with every ounce of heart you got. If you lose, you lose. If you win, None of them will fuck with you again. Having a few extra pounds on you isn’t how to win a fight. I don’t remember what movie it was, I think Green Street Hooligans, where they say once you take a few punches you realize you’re not made out of glass. This kid is going to have to sneak up on you and hit you pretty damn hard right on the button to just KO you like that… Don’t be afraid of what ifs.
You can’t get a restraining order because you think she could have someone hurt you. Just cut ties with her, and her friends. Best way to get outa a relationship, especially since it sounds like you’re already over her? (I hope, after 4 months) Don’t play her games. It’s you’re life, you control everything in it. She’ll play your games if she wants contact.
Hope that helps.
Oh trust me, I was over her as soon as I saw her playing games with me (less than a couple weeks after we split). Quite frankly, I find her revolting, trashy, and disgusting at this point. It’s only when I started ignoring her that she started getting really pissy with me. I’m definitely through with this group. WORST. GROUP. EVER.
At least that I’ve ever been in. If I see them somewhere I am, I’m just straight up ignoring them unless they approach me politely and civilly, but I’ll still keep my distance from them whenever I can even if that happens. And I’m certainly not holding by breath waiting for that.
[quote]Fletch1986 wrote:
It’s been over 4 months since we dated and the hostility has only grown. At this point, I think I’m just going to make new friends and avoid the whole crew. We have some mutual friends but I’m really not to thrilled about them anyway. It’s just too easy for her to manipulate these guy friends she’s made who all believe in chivalry regardless of how right or wrong a woman is and her girl friends are either gullible or seem to play the same games she does.
I guess the guys just think they’ll get something good out of it. I’m somewhat new to the town so these people I know were just the first people I met and that I have anything in common with. Hopefully, she won’t try to start any more drama or try to tarnish my reputation but aside from her nuclear group of friends, I’m really not too concerned about her swaying anyone’s opinion.
Now that I’ve had some time to clear my head, that one guy did back down when he confronted me. He did a broad-side display and spoke to me in a way that was clearly an intimidation effort. As soon as he did that I went on high alert and got in a position to handle any potential lunge he might make and at that point the pitch of his voice started to get higher, he slowly backed up about a foot or two, and wasn’t squared up with me anymore (I relaxed a little too), and he started speaking a lot more like a peace maker and diplomat at that point than a bully.[/quote]
God I love watching the effects of just silently ‘squaring up’ with someone talking shit. WHAT A RUSH!!!1!!!L
[quote]Fletch1986 wrote:
If a girl is harassing you and in addition to that, you feel that she may instigate violence against you (i.e. get a friend to jump you when your not looking or something of that nature) is filing for a restraining order appropriate?[/quote]
I suggest you invest in one of these.
[quote]Fletch1986 wrote:
If a girl is harassing you and in addition to that, you feel that she may instigate violence against you (i.e. get a friend to jump you when your not looking or something of that nature) is filing for a restraining order appropriate?[/quote]
Stop dating ghetto girls?
Squat heavier.
[quote]biglifter wrote:
Squat heavier. [/quote]
with a camelbak full of milk.
On a serious note, change your cell number and just avoid her. I never understand how people can keep running into the same idiots over and over unless you are in a town of 1000people. Also, if you enjoy your car to any extent, park it next to a camera at your job, and buy a camera at your place. Deer/game cameras are relatively cheap, just make sure she can’t reach the thing because she’ll know she’s fucked once that light gets her.
[quote]Tyrant wrote:
[quote]biglifter wrote:
Squat heavier. [/quote]
with a camelbak full of milk.
On a serious note, change your cell number and just avoid her. I never understand how people can keep running into the same idiots over and over unless you are in a town of 1000people. Also, if you enjoy your car to any extent, park it next to a camera at your job, and buy a camera at your place. Deer/game cameras are relatively cheap, just make sure she can’t reach the thing because she’ll know she’s fucked once that light gets her.[/quote]
thats a good idea.
I’m pretty sure it’s all over now. I guess that one guy and girl were just doing a lot of barking with no intent of biting. Now the hard part… making new friends.
edit: The reason we run into each other sometimes is because we live in the same apartment complex. Not just the same complex, but the same building (luckily opposite sides of the building).