Could anyone recommend a good upper/lower split program? I’m currently using Size and Strength 2.0 with good results but I feel it’s time to switch things up (i.e.: exercises and perhaps rep ranges). Also, should I now switch to a different split or go back to TBT for awhile? I’ve been on SandS 2.0 for 9 weeks. Current 5’9 and 212#s with estimated BF% of 14 - age 38. Goals are to increase size, increase testosterone levels with strength as a secondary goal. Thanks in advance.
Wow, yu in good shape fella!
There was a good upper/lower thread a bit back… hold on…
OK, my mistake, not good… but it was there and has SOME info…
What are your favorite two exercises per bodypart? =)
lol! (deja-vu?)
Thanks for the interest:
Quads: Back squat and one-legged squat
Hip Dominant: Sumos and SDLs
Calves: Don’t do much calf work butI do perform standing and seated raises w/bb
Chest: bb BP and Dips
Back: Pull-up and bb Rows
Shoulders: Military Press and db Press (I also like Bradford Presses)
Bis: bb curls and chins
Tri: Pullover/Press and narrow grip bps
Any guidance is appreciated.
One-legged squats aren’t going to be very beneficial when it comes to adding size to your legs. Why do you like them so much?
And chinups are a back exercise. If you get a good bicep workout from them, you are probably doing them incorrectly.
Just make yourself a nice 4-day split and be in the gym lifting 3-4 times each week (alternating between either upper/lower, or a more convenient pairing such as chest/back/delts, and legs/arms)
Here is an example:
Day 1a -
Bench Press
Barbell Row
Military Press
Day 2a -
Barbell Curl
Back Squat
Day 1b -
Day 2b -
DB Curl
Close grip bench
Front squat/leg press?
Sumo DL
I don’t know what kind of sets/reps you like to do. 3x5, 2x10… 1 set rest-paused, DC style? Doesn’t really matter, whatever you feel you make progress the best with.
Just my input. Only you know what will work best for you.
for the fellow gym rats out there, anyone done an upper/lower six days a week? what did it look like?
I tend to not do Upper/Lower but my 2way split is:
It is great done 3x a week for 6 total sessions and is an even distribution of work.
[quote]Joe Brook wrote:
I tend to not do Upper/Lower but my 2way split is:
It is great done 3x a week for 6 total sessions and is an even distribution of work.[/quote]
How do you split up your tris/chest? It seems like there is a lot of overlap there if you are doing compounds.
mr popular:
Thank you - I actually like the pairing of arms/legs - something I’ve never done before. This may offset some of the upper day duration.
As far as the single leg squat, I guess I’ve been influenced by this website re: unilateral work that is recommended by some of the authors here.
For bi’s I use narrow grip chins, palms facing. I know its more lat dominant but it really burns my bi’s.
Thanks again for the input.
[quote]skinnymuscles wrote:
for the fellow gym rats out there, anyone done an upper/lower six days a week? what did it look like? [/quote]
Yes I’ve done both upper/lower 6 days/week and TBT up to 5 days/week with good results, although I’m not sure that I wouldn’t have progressed just the same with a lesser program. I’ve done TBT 3-4 days/week for years, sometimes back-to-back days and also have followed an upper/lower splits 6 days/week. I’ve been training for 22 years on and off and have tried many different frequency plans but still tend to go back to TBT 3 days/week with 1 or 2 days/week thrown in for specialization exercises (isolation exercises, high rep stuff, etc)
My six/day week - upper/lower split looked like this:
Day 1,3,5
vert pull
vert push
horiz pull
Day 2,4,6
Squat variation
DL variation
Quad dom (non squat)
Hip Dom (non DL)
No abs or direct arm work
Set/reps for day 1 and 2 are 5X5
Set/reps for day 3 an 4 are 4X10
Set/reps for day 5 and 6 are 2-3X12-15
I found that I did well but don’t go to failure or it will kill you with that frequency - STOP 1-2 REPS SHORT OF FAILURE.
Certainly not guru stuff but I always seem to be searching for a better routine (always the one I’m not doing currently)