I have just run two cycles of Full Body 8 Leader and I am in the final week of doing Full Body 7 Anchor . During the anchor I have hit a ton of PRs for all lifts and I am very confident in my TMs.
I am stuck for which template to try next - I am thinking either 1000% awesome, young Jim Wendler, five and dime, or (because it worked so well) more of same full body template. I want to keep power cleans in and train 3 days a week which limits my options, but would like to avoid morning star as I don’t think I’d enjoy the limited lifts. Any advice would be much appreciated.
My main goal is to get stronger (I play American Football recreationally, so any gain in strength will help here), and I have a few long term goals for the main lifts. I have decided to run the same Full Body leader and anchor again, as it is a 3 day per week template, I enjoy it, I don’t feel beaten up after every session, and it has helped with the strength gains so far!
I’m looking forward to step 5 and let’s see where it takes me!