I have seen the incredible results a person can achieve with chemical assistance. I have also seen impressive results come from natural supplements. I have decided to perform a case study between my workout partner and myself. We are both very similar in strength and build and will both follow the same workouts and diet. The big difference is he will be using T200 and I will be going the natural route. The test is for a period of 5 weeks and I have a supplement budget of $200 (that is how much his “supplements” were.) I need the absolute best, kick ass, mass building stack there is. Any other “tricks” or input anyone has would be greatly appreciated. I will keep everyone updated on the results. This is for the pride of all the naturals out there!
It wouldn’t surprise me if you can surpass his results if you train hard, rest well and eat well. He’ll only be attacking muscle growth from one angle where you can attack it from several angles. Now for $200 you can probably come up with the following:
creatine: $15,
Androsol: $100 (3 bottles),
Vitex : $10,
protein powder: $35
now for the remainder of your $ allotment I’d choose between Methoxy, BCAA/Glutamine, or Surge. If it were me I’d spend it on methoxy and simply eat more of the correct foods for the others. I’d start out with 2 weeks of methoxy with Vitex while loading the creatine and increasing protein and calories and for the final 3 weeks hit a 70 sprays twice/day cycle of androsol along with the vitex and everything else. This should give you some nice gains.
Where I buy Vitex, it’s under $7 per bottle of 100 count 400mg caps. COuld give you a little more to play with.
Thanks for the info Kelly. Do you think I will have to worry about adverse side effects from a three week cycle of androsol. Should I be taking some sort of anit-estrogen (chrysin or saw palmetto, etc.) Also protein powder is already a part of my diet, so I have a little more budget for other items. How much difference is there believed to be between the old and new versions of methoxy7. I can get either one.
why anyone would use Test for 5 weeks is just a stupid idea. from the sound of your post he’s using 1 or 2 shots of T200 a week for 5 weeks. If thats the case he’ll be lucky if he gets 5 pounds out of it, and if he didn’t buy any accessory drugs (clomid) he’s gonna have a ton of problems post cycle as his nuts will shrink to the size of raisins and his natural testosterone production completely shut down. so it’s extremely likly if he DOESN’T use clomid he will be incredibley depressed, lose 10 pounds of muscle and have trouble with his sex drive for 2-3 months afterwards, maybe longer.
It really doesn’t sound like your partner knows what he’s doing in the least. If you consider a him a friend I suggest you try to get him to educate himself before this endevor.
The hard truth is that a well constructed cycle performed by someone with years of bodybuilding experience and knowlegde of training and nutrition will beat a supplement cycle in gains 10 times over. A poorly constructed cycle OR someone without the knowledge and experience on an excllent cycle will do no better than someone on a few supplements with the knowledge and experience.
I think you have the anti-estrogen covered in the vitex.
If you lived near nashville I’d give you a bottle and a half of the old methoxy. I can’t handle the taste. The new stuff is much better at least flavorwise.
Wait on MAG-10 and you’ll probably blow him away with the amount he’s using. Just get some MAG-10 and spend rest on food and protein powders.
I sincerly appreciate your advice. I informed my friend and he is very grateful as well. He had simply trusted his source and friends to be experts, as was not the case. However, he is hell-bent on a chemical cycle. I would rather he recieve the information from the T-men vs. the “street”. What sources or reccomendations might you have for info?
GYMNUT their is so much good info in this board that I would say a good place to start would be with the old strasseroids and s-files columns. On the forum I’d do a search by author for “Brock Strasser” and “Bill Roberts.” From that info alone he should be able to construct a good cycle and if nothing else know what precautions to take, how much clomid to use (vitex is NOT suitable), if he should include HCG, or proscar to protect his hairline. If he is interested in learning about findings in the medical community with steroids I’d suggest medibolics.com and the book “built to survive”. after he learns the basics send him over to the steroids forum here. we’re a friendly bunch and will answer any questions he can’t find info on. As much as I want to see you win your bet, I’d hate for your friends life to fall apart over it.
if he has never “juiced” before 200mgs a week WILL make a big difference. sorry but even at 200mgs per week for 5 weeks he will blow any gains you make away (provided you guys train the same, eat the same and have the “same” genetics). peace one more Q though, how old are you guys?