Alright so at my gym there are a few guys there who USED to be thin. Then they all started saying,"It’s time to put on some mass. Within weeks they were up about 15 pounds. It’s beastly!!! mY QUESTION is: have you ever suspected someone of roids? I don’t want to call it because I might be wrong and maybe it really is that easy for some people.
your point being?
I gained 32 lbs in a month and a half when I first did the Super Squats routine years ago.
I’d have to say just do your own thing and don’t think about what those guys are doing.
I have no problem with steroids. I only have a problem with kids, stupid, skinny kids doing them. It’s THEN and only then I’d call it a “shortcut”. If you were talking about older guys that actually put some years in and put on some serious muscle, I’d have no problem.
It sounds like they may be uneducated kids with your explaination but I can’t tell.
Either way, just keep plugging away and let them do what they do while you do what you do.
I wanted to put this post as nice as possible.
but I have no idea how to put this though so if I offend or sound like a jerk im sorry
mind your on bussiness,let them do wha tthey do and you do what you do.
if you are curious about it ask them if they have any training tips they can hand off to you because they are looking great.
but do not ask about steroids.
they will proabaly lie to you anyways .
Derek’s spot on. There’s no point in worrying about others. So what if they are on steroids? It should not change your work ethic , but should make you work even harder.
I agree with the above posters. Who cares what other people are doing. Worry about your own goals and how your going to achieve them.
Worry about yourself, you’re training and gains will suffer if you stop to look at others. Indulge in selfishness.
No… first of all I don’t have a problem with it, I just wonder sometimes. ANd heres the thing: I look up to these guys. They can all outlift me,and (out eat me,) haha. Yes it definetly motivates me even more seeing them. That’s just it though. I would be dissapointed if I found out that’s how they were getting big but I wouldn’t have a problem with it from a medical standpoint.
Everday we are putting our lives at risk with millions of different things that are out there. I would just feel let donw. I don’t know if this will make sense to anyone. I love watching myself get stronger and bigger and I know that everyone is different as far as time goes. Yes they are all young, but believe me they know what they are doing.
[quote]Stength4life wrote:
No… first of all I don’t have a problem with it, I just wonder sometimes. ANd heres the thing: I look up to these guys. They can all outlift me,and (out eat me,) haha. [/quote]
Ya know, I really do know what you’re saying.
I had guys in my gym doing steroids–we had conversations about how much, how often, which types so I’m not jumping to conclusions–and that fact was my motivation.
I was the biggest deadlifter in the gym and maybe the third best squatter (bench sucked). My barbell rows were right up there with these guys, curls too. I used to train legs with one (super nice) guy and we’d use up all the plates on the leg press, he’d add another 100-150 lbs than me but we were both well over 1,000lbs for 6-8, him maybe 10-12.
It was very clear that they respected my strength and hard work and the fact that I was clean and I respected thier decision to do what they did.
So you can have it both ways, stay “clean” and respect yourself for your decision while allowing others to make thier own decisions and respect them for it.
And it’s not wrong to–at the same time–use the fact that you are 100% natural to push yourself.
I’ve never suspected anyone I’ve seen under the age of 20 to have used Steroids. Except one really jacked teenager on this forum who claimed to be clean but Prisoner made a pretty good case that he wasn’t.
Wtf do you care, are you competing against them or something? I hate when people in the gym get into pissing contests all the time. You should just focus on your gains and not worry about other people.
I knew some guys who did steroids at my gym, they were some of the most helpful people there. Always willing to share advice and give you a spot. Do take their advice if in fact they have been lifting for many years. I still talk to them some still are on some not, its just a choice you do not need them to build a very solid and strong body.
I mean just because they take steroids doesn’t make there advise useless, the smart users are some of the most dedicated individuals to lifting.
(waves penis)
there comes a point when you do everything right, and still cant make hardly any gains worth your time. That its not worth it to be natural anymore.
For instance, you get to 275 at 15% bf and you keep bulking, you gain half a lb a week and at the end of the year you diet down again and have added 5-10lbs of muscle… Your probably better off paying for some shit that will get you double, even triple those gains in a matter of weeks.
Just my opinion.
[quote]Mega Newb wrote:
there comes a point when you do everything right, and still cant make hardly any gains worth your time. That its not worth it to be natural anymore.
For instance, you get to 275 at 15% bf and you keep bulking, you gain half a lb a week and at the end of the year you diet down again and have added 5-10lbs of muscle… Your probably better off paying for some shit that will get you double, even triple those gains in a matter of weeks.
Just my opinion.[/quote]
The same could be said at any level then. Again its an opinion most of the population does not want or need to take drugs to be in great physical health. I think its a miracle drug for older lifters like 30-80 to stay healthy and continue to make gains though. Thats when most start to take anyways when their gains they made in their prime start to disappear.
Didn’t Arnold say something along the lines of only competing against yourself?
Dude, anyone I’ve ever known who uses gear will freely admit it. And yes, I see a few teens in my gym who are skinny as shit one month, then put on 10 lbs the next (with a little bacne), and then go back to their skinny-ass selves the next after that (like no one notices -lol). But who the hell cares? Unless you’re considering doing it yourself, worry about your own diet and training.
I’m considering joining a gym thats known for gear-users hanging out at . I could give a fuck what they do . as long as nobody gives a fuck if I bring up a little fire when I need to…which I doubt they would care about
of course they are gaining faster then you are. they are trainng hard while you are at the gym wasting time staring and drooling.
when did it become impossible to get big without steroids?
[quote]All2ez wrote:
when did it become impossible to get big without steroids?[/quote]
Around the same time that big muscles became icky.
[quote]marlboroman wrote:
I’m considering joining a gym thats known for gear-users hanging out at . I could give a fuck what they do . as long as nobody gives a fuck if I bring up a little fire when I need to…which I doubt they would care about[/quote]
I don’t get it. You planning on burning the place down?
[quote]Makavali wrote:
(waves penis)[/quote]
I see, (waves penis) its has come to this Mak? et tu?