Two moves for a great shoulder line (and overall powerful upper-body look)
Want big delts, traps and chest and a thick back?
Just focus on these two movements and get strong as f*ck on them.
- Incline bench
From what I have noticed, if I stop doing barbell incline presses, my shoulders seem to lose width and thickness (my upper chest? A little but not so much - yeah, it’s weird. My delts have always sucked while my chest has been decent, maybe that has to do with it)
Incline press is great for the front side of your upper body as it hits the delts, triceps and chest hard. When you are repping in the 300’s you will have a massive amount of muscle in those areas.
- Deadlift/Rack pull
First off - do deadlifts if you know how to perform them without wrecking youself and you can recover from them. If not, rack pull is your best bet.
I noticed ~1.5 years ago that my traps and upper back seem to almost melt off if I don’t pull some heavy iron from the ground. Also my delts lost width (again)
Pulls from ground/rack are great for your entire backside, rear delts included.
they hit the whole posterior chain and are a surefire way to trigger muscle growth.
Also - if you pull without straps, you’ll get a great grip.
If you are a bodybuilder, you might want to throw in some bicep/side delt work and that is fine. Just make sure that the assistance exercises are not taxing so you won’t fry yourself.
I also recommend that you always do overhead presses at least once a week for mobility reasons.
So a training session could look like this:
Warm up:
your usual warm-up, I’ll write about mine in the future
Include light overhead presses, pull-ups and band pull-aparts in here
Incline bench 1x4-8
chest stretch
Deadlift 1x6-8, 1x9-12
back stretch
Weighted ab wheel rollout 1x9-12
you may do a set of 11-20 of hammer curls and/or lateral raises after that but that’s it
Enjoy your gains.