Hi to anyone that chooses to read/follow along.
Below is the usual background sob story for anyone that cares. Short version is I"m tired of being a weak soft man-boy that jumps around from program to program or supplement to supplement looking for a magic fix to lose some fat and build some muscle. Well fuck that time to get shit done.
Program: Jason Ferrugia’s, pretty basic full body workout 3x a week, will be adding a session of hill sprints or sled work.
Diet: Intermittent Fasting with all my calories (other than peri-wrokout) coming between 2 pm and 10 pm give or take. Carb cycling within that 200g on workout days 100g on off days. (Again I is/was a fatty so not super high) and about 200g of proteinz. I’m 90% paleo in that I avoid bread and stuff but don’t stress about a bit of gluten or sugar in bbq sauce or something like that for example. Oh yeah and I"m not a diet zealot/freak/better than you condescending douche bag.
Long Background Below:
I"m a former fatty who just has a bit of chub to lose and some serious muscle to gain. I’ve always been fat, at least since about grade 3, and got teased but learned to make jokes about it, always being the one that would eat more than anyone else and all that jazz. Well I hated it, and still do. My first “body change” happened a few years ago when I had my first summer long manual labour job. I worked in a car weld shop and it was great, lots of moving around ie long slow cardio… not ideal, but at the time helped me drop around 20 lbs. I’m assuming a good half of that was muscle but I digress. The following summer I decided to hit the gym. I did the usual internet research and started a bodypart split routine, and made a few newbie gains but nothing to write home about.
Spun my wheels like that for a year or so, then picked up Chad Waterbury’s Huge in a Hurry (even though I was fat lol) and the rest as they say is history. Started doing total body workouts with compound exercises and discovered T-Nation. Kept looking at the V-Diet and thought it sounded like a gimmick, well after a few more months of no progress (partially because I want to lose fat and gain muscle and didn’t just pick one goal and stick to it). I took the plunge in January of 2010 and did my first round. Dropped about 10 lbs of scale weight, but put on a bit of muscle too, not the drastic epic change I was secretly hoping for but finally some progress. After that I really got serious about my diet. Found Mark’s Daily Apple and the Primal Blueprint around the same time and that really helped.
A few months later in May I did V-Diet round 2. Same results, nothing insane just some good progress. After that I worked through Chad Waterbury’s Body of Fire program. Awesome!! I’m dropped a good 20 lbs in the 12 weeks on that program, and got leaner than I’ve ever been.
That was 2 summers ago when I finished BOF. That year nothing really to write home about, tried some HP Mass, did some Show and Go from Cressey, some lab-rabbiting of V-Diet pulse fast variations. Like I said - program ADD
At that point it was last summer and Indigo came out. Did 12 weeks of that with the program CT gave out to go with it, got some good results over the summer. In the fall did Chad Waterbury’s strength program from Huge in a Hurry then my own thing based on CT’s latest stuff all about being explosive and all that. Had a lot of fun training but realized it would probably work better if I wasn’t such a weak beginner so here I am “back to basics” although I’ve never really stuck with the basics long enough.
So with that all out of the way… here I go to weak maggot no more and hopefully someday a BEAST.
Pics will come when I get a chance to take and upload them.