Nate's Beast Building Log

Hi to anyone that chooses to read/follow along.

Below is the usual background sob story for anyone that cares. Short version is I"m tired of being a weak soft man-boy that jumps around from program to program or supplement to supplement looking for a magic fix to lose some fat and build some muscle. Well fuck that time to get shit done.

Program: Jason Ferrugia’s, pretty basic full body workout 3x a week, will be adding a session of hill sprints or sled work.

Diet: Intermittent Fasting with all my calories (other than peri-wrokout) coming between 2 pm and 10 pm give or take. Carb cycling within that 200g on workout days 100g on off days. (Again I is/was a fatty so not super high) and about 200g of proteinz. I’m 90% paleo in that I avoid bread and stuff but don’t stress about a bit of gluten or sugar in bbq sauce or something like that for example. Oh yeah and I"m not a diet zealot/freak/better than you condescending douche bag.

Long Background Below:

I"m a former fatty who just has a bit of chub to lose and some serious muscle to gain. I’ve always been fat, at least since about grade 3, and got teased but learned to make jokes about it, always being the one that would eat more than anyone else and all that jazz. Well I hated it, and still do. My first “body change” happened a few years ago when I had my first summer long manual labour job. I worked in a car weld shop and it was great, lots of moving around ie long slow cardio… not ideal, but at the time helped me drop around 20 lbs. I’m assuming a good half of that was muscle but I digress. The following summer I decided to hit the gym. I did the usual internet research and started a bodypart split routine, and made a few newbie gains but nothing to write home about.

Spun my wheels like that for a year or so, then picked up Chad Waterbury’s Huge in a Hurry (even though I was fat lol) and the rest as they say is history. Started doing total body workouts with compound exercises and discovered T-Nation. Kept looking at the V-Diet and thought it sounded like a gimmick, well after a few more months of no progress (partially because I want to lose fat and gain muscle and didn’t just pick one goal and stick to it). I took the plunge in January of 2010 and did my first round. Dropped about 10 lbs of scale weight, but put on a bit of muscle too, not the drastic epic change I was secretly hoping for but finally some progress. After that I really got serious about my diet. Found Mark’s Daily Apple and the Primal Blueprint around the same time and that really helped.

A few months later in May I did V-Diet round 2. Same results, nothing insane just some good progress. After that I worked through Chad Waterbury’s Body of Fire program. Awesome!! I’m dropped a good 20 lbs in the 12 weeks on that program, and got leaner than I’ve ever been.

That was 2 summers ago when I finished BOF. That year nothing really to write home about, tried some HP Mass, did some Show and Go from Cressey, some lab-rabbiting of V-Diet pulse fast variations. Like I said - program ADD

At that point it was last summer and Indigo came out. Did 12 weeks of that with the program CT gave out to go with it, got some good results over the summer. In the fall did Chad Waterbury’s strength program from Huge in a Hurry then my own thing based on CT’s latest stuff all about being explosive and all that. Had a lot of fun training but realized it would probably work better if I wasn’t such a weak beginner so here I am “back to basics” although I’ve never really stuck with the basics long enough.

So with that all out of the way… here I go to weak maggot no more and hopefully someday a BEAST.

Pics will come when I get a chance to take and upload them.

Monday Jul 2:
After a week off completely due to some serious low back pain I’m back at it.

Warm Up
Mobility Drills (seriously lacking on these in the past, probably what lead to the back pain)

A) Squat
225x5 225x5 225x5 225x5 225x5

B1) Push Press
120x6 120x6 120x6 120x6 120x5

B2)Chin up
BW+15x6 BW+15x6 BW+15x6 BW+15x5 BW+15x5

Pretty weak numbers but gotta start somewhere right. I’ve squatted more than that in the past, but backed off so I can really work on form/depth, and have some room to progress workout to workout.

Workout: 1 anaconda, 1 MAG-10, 2 surge workout fuel

2 pm meal - sausage, eggs, zuccini

6 pm meal - pulled pork, rice

200 P
210 C
130 F
According to

Tuesday Jul 3:
Day off, back felt a little jacked up while sitting all day, but definitely better than it’s been
2 pm meal, salad and sausage

6pm meal ground beef, onions and rice

Bedtime 4 eggs
According to fitday
~160 P
110 C
~98 F

Fell a little short on protein should have added a scoop of protein in there somewhere, oh well.

Wed Jul 4:
Happy Independence Day to all my comrades in Iron south of the border!

Back feeling much better but wouldn’t you know it I tweaked my inner thigh (whatever that muscle is haha) during my warmup doing a bodyweight squat of all things. I got down and it almost felt like a charlie horse so I just applied some pressure as I stood up but it bugged me the rest of the workout. It’s already feeling better so hopefully it’s nothing more than an annoyance. Back felt great during the workout, again kept things a little lighter just in case.

A) Rack pull below the knee.
295x5 x5 x5 x5 x5

B1) Incline Press
145x8 x8 x8 x8 x8

B2) DB Row 1 Arm
80x8 x8 x8 x8 x8

2pm meal, Chicken breast, bacon, zuccini and onions

Workout 4pm 1 Anaconda 1 MAG-10 2 Surge workout fuel

6 pm feast, Salad, steak, rice pudding (just luke warm rice with some protein powder and splash of water mixed in)

208 P
220 C
70 F

Thu July 5:
Back feeling good, whatever I did to my leg is feeling better so we seem to be all good.

2pm meal: chicken, bacon, broccoli

6pm feast: ground beef, potatoes made this before work and really overcooked it till it was deadly dry, felt like eating dogfood lol but forced it down haha

bedtime scrambled eggs

fitday has it all at:
205 protein
150 carbs
100 fats

Fri July 6
Still feeling good, did lots of mobility drills for the warm up session then on to:
A) Squat 230x8 x8 x8 x5 x5

Really not used to squatting more than 5 reps so the set of 8 is really like 5 2 1 lol but working on it, gotta get uncomfortable to get some results. Also working on getting used to squatting in weightlifting shoes, vs the new balance minimus I was using before. I think they may have gotten me rounding the back a bit in the bottom which may be what lead to my tweak last week.

B1) Push Press 120x8 x8 x8 x7 x5
Still weak but I love doing push press, probably my favourite lift, mainly because no one in my gym puts weight above their head unless they are sitting in a smith machine.

B2) Chin ups with a 15 lb DBx7 x7 x6 x5 x5
Same deal as above, weak numbers but don’t see anyone else doing it.

Overall low numbers but heavy for me, I was gassed by the end of the workout. Really not used to these “higher” rep ranges. Waterbury’s stuff was usually a 4-6 or 2-3 range for the heavy sets and CT’s stuff is a lot of sets of 3. Definitely felt like a beast during the workout, now to stick with it and look like one :slight_smile:

Felt like I needed some extra fuel so upping my carbs a bit for the next week and we’ll see how that goes. Had almost 300g last night and didn’t wake up feeling bloated or anything so hopefully all good.

2 pm meal bacon, eggs, onions, tomoato, cheese

3:30 periworkout 1 Ana 1 Mag 2 SWF

6:30 PWO feast. 2 homemade double cheeseburgers with avocado on ezekiel buns. 2 cups (dry) rice with protein mixed in to make pudding :slight_smile: and some coconut milk before bed

185 protein
300 carbs
130 fat.

Ribfest Saturday so lots of ribs and pulled pork and probably a poutine or some sweet potatos at the festival and i’ll add in some cleaner carbs at home.

Weekend July 7-8 ate tons of meat and some icecream as well as a few beverages saturday, sunday was a few slices of pizza while I recovered LOL not too good but back at it monday.

Monday July 9

A) Rack Pull 300x8 x8 x8 x6 x6
Still taking it easy on these but the back is feeling great

B1) Incline Press 150x7 x6 x6 x8 x7
Hate how weak I am on this one. I have a bit of trouble with the lockout so probably super weak tri’s
B2) DB Row 85x8 x8 x8 x8 x8

Meals: workout didn’t feel especially “hard” so didn’t go quite as high on the carbs

noon: anaconda, MAG-10, swf
2pm: steak and veggies
3 pm: protein shake
6 pm: sausage, rice, veggies

217 P
230 C
100 F

Tues Jul 10
No training. Did some jump rope intervals for about 10 min while waiting for my steak to defrost
2 pm bunless cheeseburgers, avocado
8 pm steak, veggies, potatos
10 pm bacon eggs, rice cakes

178 protein
136 carbs
162 fat

fell a little short of protein, and upped the fats a bit felt a little soft all day so figured have the fats when i was hungry instead of adding more carbs. so far so good, gym soon, pics coming soon hopefully lol. I think I"m going to start doing some extra forearm work at the end of the sessions as well if I have the energy.

Wed July 11,

A)Squat 230x8 x8 x8 x8 x8
Starting to get used to reps above 3-5 on these bad boys

B1) Push press 120x8 x8 x8 x7 x7
Love overhead work can’t wait till I’m hitting 135, then 185 then 225. Upping this next workout. Carry on.

B2) Chin up +15 lbsx7 x7 x4 x5 x5
So less total reps than last workout, not sure why grip was fine just everything else didnt’ want to play along. I’ll keep this weight one more time then probably up it and drop the reps back to 5.

noonish anaconda/MAG-10/swf
2pm bunless cheeseburgers and cucumber
6pm sausage/rice/veggies
7 pm a bag of mini rice cakes

will update the fitday totals when it’s all loaded up

Looking great Nate! Long time no talk.

Hi All,
Time to revive this log. Wow I came across pretty angry above 2 years ago haha. Anyways… long story short, new job, new city, new life, I have some new muscle and now I want to get my log back up and running.

Things of note since the last update, finished the newest of Jason Ferruggia programs, MGS 2.0 (Muscle Gaining Secrets) did a little 5/3/1 for a few months with assistance work done as circuits all to try to lose fat without dieting. Speaking of… diet was Carb Back Loading for a while which really helped put on some muscle and get through the workouts. Diet is now Roman’s diet from Engineering the Alpha. I did a few of the workouts but my gym is not really set up to easily allow circuits and whatnot, and I’m really sick of circuits and not being big or strong. Which brings me to the reason I have decided to update the log…


A guy at the gym I had been working out at noticed I had Rogue Oly shoes and asked if I did the O-lifts, mentioned he did at a gym out of town and I thought to myself: “Why am I not doing the O-lifts?!” I had always wanted to try them, and that would give me a real purpose in my training, especially now that my diet was actually being tracked… you know a diet.

So I Google-blitzed O lifting in Vancouver and just finished my first session. It’s small group training out of a warehouse focusing on the Snatch, Clean & Jerk and Squats.

First session just drilled positions with a stick and a 20lb bar on the Snatch and then an empty 45 lb bar for the Clean. I definitely need to work on wrist mobility to get into the catch position. Hams stupid sore by the end of the day, I love it :slight_smile:

Checked out another trainer today, did a “Movement Test” I scored 18 out 24 or something like that. About as good as a desk jockey weight trainer would get I guess. Did some more snatch work with a stick, this time just working from the hang and catching in the power position. Left that session and decided to go to my regular gym just to have some fun and lift some weight.

3,2,1 Wave Loaded up to 140 for 1 on the push-press. Nice to do my favourite lift and not circuit, or any of that. Ran into the guy that sparked this whole O-lift interest and we’re going to meet for a workout on Thursday, he’s offered to work on some programming for me so all in all 3 options as far as coaches so by next week I should have a more solid program set up for myself.

Hey T-Nation Gang!
I’m going to revive this log after quite long hiatus LOL. Last post looks to be when I was just getting into Olympic Weightlifting. Very long story short, fell in love with it, worked up to 80 kilo snatch and 100 kilo clean and jerk.

I have a new garage gym but due to having to train at 6 am now, O-lifitng (and the required weight dropping) isn’t in the cards right now. I did a stint of CrossFit style training but have decided to jump into CT’s Fiready program.

Honestly if I knew back in the day what I knew now I would have loved to be a FireFighter or Paramedic but at least now I can train like one :muscle:

I’ve got an olympic bar, weights, rings a cable system and a big tire for dragging and carrying. No bench so I’ll be subbing overhead press, and a few other subs will be noted as I go.

I’ll get some physique pictures uploaded as well.


First week below:
I started this the week ahead of Christmas and did the first 2 workouts. After the fact thought I went too light, and scheduling had me miss the third and fourth session so I restarted on X-Mas day

Mon Dec 25 W1D1
Zercher Squat 3x12 @ 145 lbs
Overhead Press 3x12 @ 80 lbs
Inverted Rows on Rings (sub for chinups) 3x12
Rack Pulls 3x12 @ 215 lbs
These were tough with the extended eccentric and higher reps. Not at all the training style I’m used to but excited for it. Used to lower reps and dropping the weight or just pumping out reps

Wed Dec 27 W1D2
3 x 2 min forward sleg drag w Tire plus 60 lbs
3 x 2 min Zercher carry w 60 lbs sandbag
3 x 2 min backward sled drag w Tire plus 40 lbs
I set my interval timer app for 1 minute with the intention to drag away from my house for 1 minute then turn around for the second minute. The slope of the street isn’t too noticeable however dragging back toward my house after turning around is significantly harder, so the times were a bit off. Next week for the 3 minute sets I’ll drag forward for one minute then use then turn around and have 2 minutes for the return drag.

Fri Dec 29 W1D3
A1. Box Jump 3 x 5
A2. Backsquat 3 x 6 @ 135 (45%)
B1. Broad Jump 3 x 5
B2. KB Swings 3 x 10 @ 45 lbs
C1. Plyo Pushups from box 3 x 5
C2. DB “Bench” press 3 x 6 @ 45 lbs (45%)

Cool to do some dedicated Power work. The broad jumps felt a little awkward due to trying to do them on a mat inside my garage, I may do these outside next week. Plyo pushups from the box next week will either be a bigge box or from my knees, I don’t think I was able to get as explosive as possible. The bench was a floor press lying on my foam roller. Pretty unwieldy if the weight is heavier but seemed to work ok

Sat Dec 30 W1D4
6 circuits. I wore a ruck with 20 lbs instead of a weight vest and subbed alternating hooks on the heavy bag instead of sledge hammer strikes. Realized after the fact I did the carry’s at only half the required distance.

Whole thing just under 20 minutes.

|A1. Bear Crawl
|A2. Sled Sprint, Pulling Rope on Shouders
|A3. Sled Rope Pull
|A4. Crawling
|A5. 90 lbs carry (2 45lb plates in a bearhug/zercher carry)
|A6. Alternating Hooks on heavy bag

Week 2:
Have yet to get physique photos, but will effort for that asap
Mon Jul 1 W2D1
Big New Year New Me Engergy this fine Monday!
Zercher Squat 4x10 @ 165 lbs
Overhead Press 4x10 @ 90 lbs
Inverted Rows on Rings 4x10
Rack Pulls 4x10 @ 230 lbs
Took fewer micro breaks during sets of Ring Rows.

Wed Jan 3 W2D2
3 x 3 min forward sleg drag w Tire plus 40 lbs
3 x 3 min Zercher carry w 60 lbs sandbag
3 x 3 min backward sled drag w Tire plus 20 lbs
Today the sled dragging was signifigantly harder than last week the only thing I can think of is perhaps the chain that I tie around my tire was under the tire on week one, it was wrapped over the top today. Lowered the weights from last week, but will be consistent with “chain on top” configuration going forward for consistency. My straps came loose during the first set of backward drag so by the time I fixed my setup it was 3 minutes so I counted that as my rest and did the second 2 rounds.

Fri Jan 5 W2D3
A1. Box Jump 3 x 5
A2. Backsquat 3 x 5 @ 150 (50%)
B1. Broad Jump 3 x 5
B2. KB Swings 3 x 10 @ 45 lbs
C1. Plyo Pushups from box 3 x 5
C2. DB “Bench” press 3 x 6 @ 50 lbs (50%)

Fun session, I remember doing the “Neural Charge” workouts when CT first introduced them but this was nice to have a specific set/rep/rest plan to follow. Broad jumps seemed to be the “most improved” exercise from last week.

Sat Jan 6 W2D5
Whole thing just under 24 minutes however stopped partway through to talk with my neighbour for a couple minutes.

A1. Bear Crawl
A2. Sled Sprint, Pulling Rope on Shouders
A3. Sled Rope Pull
A4. Crawling
A5. 90 lbs carry (2 45lb plates in a bearhug/zercher carry)
A6. Alternating Hooks on heavy bag
7 rounds

Again wore a 20lb ruck sack instead of weighted vest. I think that would make the whole thing much harder as I’ve never trained in a weighted vest.

1 Like

Right now, just tracking daily macros/calories to try and lose weight/fat. Not using any workout drinks surge or otherwise gasp If you look around you may find my old Indigo Project Log from 2013.

My current plan is to finish Fiready, at deficit calories then asses body comp and run though a modified version of CT’s Zombie Apocalypse workout and eat maintenance calories, but add Indigo-3G and Surge Workout Fuel above those calories and see what happens


Week 3:
Mon Jan 8 W3D1
Big volume this week 5x8 for everything really had to rush to get everything in
Zercher 5x8 @ 175
OHP 5x8 @ 100
Ring Rows 5x8
Rack Pulls 5x8 @ 255
No breaks during Ring Rows

Wed Jan 10 W3D2
4 x 3 min forward sled drag Tire + 40 lbs
4 x 3 min Zercher carry with 60 lbs bag
4 x 3 min backward sled drag Tire + 20 lbs

Fri Jan 12 W3D3
A1. Box Jump 4 x 5
A2. Backsquat 4 x 4 @ 165 (55%)
B1. Broad Jump 4 x 5
B2. KB Swings 4 x 10 @ 45 lbs
C1. Plyo Pushups from box 4 x 5
C2. DB “Bench” press 4 x 4 @ 55 lbs (55%)

Session 4 was skipped this week. Extremely snowy and slushy so tire pulling was out. Shoveling the heavy snow probably created a similar training effect LOL.

Not really tracked in the Log is I do a few weekly zone 2 cardio bike rides and some shadow boxing classes.


Final Week of Block 1!
Mon Jan 15 W4D1
Zercher 2x6 @ 205
OHP 2x6 @ 105
Hammer Grip Chinups 2x6
Rack Pulls 2x6 @ 285
Went full chinups this week and took a big jump for zerchers. Big fan of this movement

Wed Jan 17 W4D2
4 x 3.5 min forward sled drag Tire + 60 lbs
4 x 3.5 min Zercher carry with 70 lbs bag
4 x 3.5 min backward sled drag Tire + 40 lbs
Increased weights on all movements this final week of the block

Fri Jan 19 W4D3
A1. Box Jump 4 x 5
A2. Backsquat 4 x 4 @ 180 (60%)
B1. Broad Jump 4 x 5
B2. KB Swings 4 x 10 @ 45 lbs
C1. Plyo Pushups from box 4 x 5
C2. DB “Bench” press 4 x 4 @ 60 lbs (60%)
Did this session at an actual gym this week. The bench seemed very slippery so the DB Bench weren’t as “tight” as they should have been

Sat Jan 20 W4D4
A1. Bear Crawl
A2. Sled Sprint, Pulling Rope on Shouders
A3. Sled Rope Pull
A4. Crawling
A5. 90 lbs carry (2 45lb plates in a bearhug/zercher carry)
A6. Alternating Hooks on heavy bag
5 rounds
25:12 less rounds but more reps/distance made it seem much harder this time through. Loving this program though!!