I read this article today and let me first just say that I have no conspiracy theorist leanings whatsoever. None. I’m pretty pragmatic and analytical. That said, after reading this article, I just came away with the feeling that the government knows something we don’t.
First, this is a massive undertaking costing billions at a time when our economy is shit. Next, there are two references to Congress and Presidential imposed deadlines for completion of certain elements of the project. Parenthetically, we only know where less than 1% of the asteroids greater than 300 feet in diameter are located?! Finally, we know a collision between object from space (asteroid, comet, etc.)and earth is not a possibility, but an absolute certainty.
I just “dunno” but I walked away from this article feeling like it was a “cover story” to go deal with a known (and large enough to have our full attention) asteroid on a collision course with earth.
Anyone else get that vibe? Or is this NASA just farting around spending billions because their bored and we have money to spend?