I’m open to different life styles but these guys still scare the shit out of me…nambla

I would prefer to beat the shit out of them, not be scared by them.

But to each his own… :stuck_out_tongue:

Interesting reading. Even after giving it a serious shot, I can’t agree with this stuff. I’m all for sexual freedom and acceptance, but each society needs to agree on a “hands off” age.

“Our prisoner program seeks to provide moral support to incarcerated boy-lovers. These people experience a harsh and exceptionally hostile environment which undermines their self-concepts and self-respect. We keep in touch with prisoners, primarily through a monthly Prisoners’ Letter.”


“Harsh and exceptionally hostile environment” …yeah, for once, they’re the ones getting their fudge packed instead of the ones doing the packing. It must suck to be a boy-lover in prison. Hahahahaha.

I guess we have to ask ourselves, WWTMD? (what would T-Man do?) I’m with Antiliberal. I vote for beating the shit out of these people.

“Sex is really beautiful with my friend” Dennis, age 13.

“It shouldnt be a crime to make love” Bryan, age 12 1/2.

“He makes me glad Im gay” Ed, age 14.

OH MY GOD. Easily the sickest website I have ever seen. Not only are they paedohiles but they are self justifyng paedophiles.

They should all be locked in a room with the fathers of their “special little friends” for an hour or two.

Somebody posted this here a while ago and I think this would be appropriate for these fuckheads.

Attach them to some sort of pole in the middle of a room by their dick. Make it secure enough so that they won’t be able to “pull out.” Give them a knife. Then start a fire around them and have it get closer and closer to them. Provide a doorway out somewhere in the room. If they value their life enough, then they’ll use the knife appropriately. If they value their dick more, then they won’t be around for very long.

(of course thats paraphrased a bit, but thats the basic jist of what they suggested)

“Beat the shit out of them”?!

Yeah, right.

Line up the sick fuckers, and then, one by one, put a burning slug into the head of each and every one of those bastards.

Sexual abuse of a child makes my blood boil.

Sexual abuse of a child, and then admitting it, attempting to justify it, and wanting to be accepted for it makes me crazy…

There again I like to let people live their own way as long as they keep their damn hands off me…
8,9,10 is not an age for anybody to become sexually experienced–not hetero or otherwise.

I also hate how they try to make it like all the great guys in history were gay–Walt Whitman for example.

I believe there is a simple solution to all of this CASTRATION.

Geez…I thought this thread was about the North American Marlon Brando Lookalikes Association…

I decided not to click on the link. I believe in information, but I just don?t want to go to this site. I never forget that the ACLU keeps supporting these people.

This might not be an unbiased website, but this article shows how some people and organizations have just lost it, and have given up on any sensibility: