Naked Gym!

Not a bad idea, IF the people working out there actually get results quickly, and start to look good FAST!

I have a feeling it would be a lot of not-so-attractive people with their loose skin hanging all over the equipment though. :frowning:

Iā€™d hate to do deadlifts with a cold bar at that gymā€¦

I suddenly no longer want to be spotted while doing benchā€¦ except by a chick.

[quote]pushharder wrote:

A guy would definitely want to keep his Mighty Mouse away from the plate loaded cable machine.[/quote]

LOL. That hurt just thinking about it.

I think you would really want to enforce wiping down the equipment after you use it.

, hope theirs a ā€œno obeseā€ section in their rules

So since it is in the Netherlands, there is just gonna be a bunch of stoned, nude people sitting around in a gym?

I think this fits with the ā€œpsychology as a weaponā€ thread.

I really enjoy seeing a well proportioned young lady do straight-leg deadlifts. I like to leave it up to my imagination as to what is under the silky tight, split up the side shorts that she may be wearing. I donā€™t know if I would enjoy a full wink from the big brown eye.

Well thatā€™s one way to put that useless adductor machine under the light!

Right now Iā€™m imagining the people at my gymā€¦I think more than 90% of them would gross me out.

Personally, I donā€™t think working-out without a bra would be too comfy.

I doubt this would be very titillating. The article said this was strictly for ā€œnaturists,ā€ not exhibitionists.

What is the difference between a nudist and a stripper? About fifty pounds!