So… does anyone know what ever became of Myostat? Biotest doesn’t have it listed on their website anymore, but I still see it for sale at third party retailers. Is Biotest still making it or are the third parties just clearing out old stock?
I’m also curious how anyone who took it, felt it worked for them. I’ve dug through the old posts but havn’t found much relating to results, though the product DEFINATELY had huge potential, and Biotest is known for their quality stuff, but, it seems to have disappeared. I’ve been kind of thinking about picking some up but I don’t want to get started on it and then find I can’t get enough for the long haul(I believe the original articles talked of using it for at least a year).
I don’t know why they quit carrying it but I assume it was cause it wasn’t selling not because it didn’t have potential (not many people willing to make a year long commitment on a product that may not even do anything).
I called customer service about a year ago and they stated at that time that it was being re-formulated.
I’m guessing that it may have been discontinued due to not providing enough bang for your buck since it was a slow acting supplement.
The leaflet included in the old MAG-10 bottles suggested stacking MAG-10 with Myostat to help keep your gains after your Mag-10 cycle ended. I’ve got several bottles of Myostat on the shelf for later use (but probably not enough to make a noticeable difference). Unfortunately, I didn’t take any before or after measurements after ending 80 days of Myostat usage last year.
If I recall correctly, Atreides & JasonB had good things to say about Myostat.
I took a few bottles to retain my gains during MAG-10 cycle and after. I really can’t say that it did anything. Unfortunately, it’s one of those supplements you have to invest time into. And most people are scared to take that risk. They will take protein for years and years because they see it as a food, not really something that will make them huge. That’s why the best way to sell Myostat would be to jam it in our Grow!. There was one company selling it like that, with their protein, smart move. Don’t think they are selling it anymore.
Thanks for the info guys, I guess that pretty much concludes for me that Myostat isn’t in production anymore. I’ll have to call some of the retailers and see exactly how much product they have, and maybe save up to buy 6-12 months worth at a go(the old posts as I remember advised taking it at least 60 days to notice a benefit, and a full year was recommended to strive for). I personally would have put this up there as their best supplement, assuming it works. While Surge, Grow!, and their various T-boosters, and of course MAG-10, have been amazing quality product, they have not been nearly as revolutionary as Myostat seems to have been.
Not sure if this will get posted, but it is the honest truth.
When Myostat was first released, I bought well over a year’s worth of it. I took it per label recommendations for about 3 months and did not notice much. I contacted some of the guys at T-Mag and they suggested to keep on it and maybe even up the dose. For the next 8-10 months I took double the recommended dosage and still did not notice much (if anything at all) in terms of muscle mass or strength gain. However, I am a powerlifter and did not train specifically for hypertrophy. Just like anything else, some things work for some people and some do not. This supplement did not work for me, in terms of gaining muscle mass, losing bodyfat, or gaining strength. However, it might work different for you.