Hey everyone,
Thinking about running the following when I start 5/3/1 (SST) in August:
Military Press (5/3/1)
Floor Press (Assist SST)
Lats: Pull-ups 3x12
Upper Back: DB Rows 3x20
Delts: Side Lat Raises 3x15*
Delts: Rear Delt Raises 3x15*
Triceps: Overhead Cable Ext 3x12
Biceps: Preacher Curls 3x12
*Additions for remedying known muscle imbalance and to achieve muscular symmetry.
Sumo Deadlift (5/3/1)
Front Squats (Assist SST)
Quads: Split Squats 3x10*
Hams: Leg Curls 3x15
Low Back: Back Ext 3x12
Abs/Grip: Hanging Leg Raise 3x10
*Unilateral movement to work out known hip/glute imbalance/weakness
Bench (5/3/1)
Incline Bench (Assist SST)
Lats: Barbell Row 3x12
Upper Back: Face Pulls 3x20
Pecs: Incline Cable Fly 3x15*
Triceps: DB Skull Crushers 3x12
Biceps: DB Curls 3x12
*Additonal movement to add chest frequency each week and some much needed symmetry
Squat (5/3/1)
Stiff-Leg Deadlift (Assist SST)
Quads: Leg Press 3x10*
Hams: GHR -OR- DB RDL 3x12**
Low Back: Good Mornings 3x12
Abs: DB Side Bend 3x20
*Additional movement to balance out quad addition on Deadlift day
**Going to attempt GHR (never done them but recognize their usefulness) but may have to replace with RDLs or split up the sets between the 2 movements
I’ve done my best to respect the original SST laid out in the first 5/3/1 book, though I’ve added movements to address my own imbalances/weakness where needed AND to fulfill Jim’s own recommendations re: achieving body symmetry.
Would love to hear some feedback.