Hey everyone.
I wanted to share this because it was very difficult for me to find stories of younger guys on TRT when I was doing my initial research. I am not looking for advice or even necessarily comments on this post, I just want it to help some people in their initial research.
Initial problems:
Some ED. No body hair. Low energy. Very minimal muscle gains. Long painful muscle recoveries.
My total T was in the 300’s when I was tested which is quite low for a 26 year old. At the time I was working out at least 4 days a week, sleeping a minimum of 7 hours a night, and eating decent. There was no reason for my T to be that low.
Started T at the beginning of April '17 at 148lbs, my heaviest sustained weight at the time.
1mg T 1xWeek, 500iu HCG 2xWeek, Anastrozole 2xWeek.
Within the last month I started .5mg T 2xWeek, 250iu HCG EOD, Anastrozole 2xWeek. I like it much better. I just feel better through the whole week.
4 months in (August '17):
I have not really seen much if a mental change but I didnt have any noticable problems to begin with. I definitely have more energy and never get that “I just want to lay down instead of workout” moment anymore. I am hovering around 169lbs right now. I hit 175 about 2 weeks ago but have been cutting a little just to be in ideal shape for my job. It if the first time I have been able to cut and it is a lot of fun. I did not have to change my gym habits much, my body just started working right with TRT. I am giving a lot of credit to “noob gains” even though I have been workibg out for years. My quick muscle gain is tapering off but is still progressing. I am much more motivated because of the results and am able to push my body further. ED is %100 gone and went away within the first few weeks…thank God. I have some shoulder and back acne. I have almost never had pimples before so this is a new thing for me. It is not bad and I am trying to learn to manage it. I wear a bulletproof vest and it is summer in Texas so that may be a big factor aggrivating what may normally be a smaller problem. I had my first chest hair after abiut 3 months. Idk if its a coincidence or the TRT honestly. My recovery time now seems to be on par with normal people. I used to be really sore for 4 or 5 days and now am having noticably milder soreness for 1 or 2 days after a hard workout.
If I can add pictures I will. I have gotten stronger. Not by extreme bounds, but I am keeping up with people my size finally. I have lats which were literally not visible before. My shoulders and legs have filled out to what I would call normal.
Overall the experience has been very positive. Please research this a lot before you begin. I still am learning a lot about all the many aspects of TRT. I was truly low, I dont know how the experience is for someone who is taking it as a supplement to go above “normal levels.”
Hope this helps someone. Good luck. Message me if you want, but like I said, I am still learning about TRT. Thanks!
Pic below. From first day of TRT to 4 months after, red pants most recent.