Hi guys. I’m in Sweden. I had my doctor do some tests for me, I almost had to force him because he didnt see reason enough for doing so. At least we got free health care here, I shouldnt complain.
Not sure if these tests are enough for making anything out. Missing E2 levels, etc. But my own thoughts are about the Test/SHBG ratio. The total testosterone is well in the “normal range”, but with the “kind of high” SHBG, the free testosterone wont be that high, right?
My age is 31. No current meds, but I did take antiepileptics (Depakine) for 3-4 months and stopped just before taking this test. I heard that maybe antiepileptics can make the SHBG higher.
advice for new guys
– note first paragraph
– provide more info about you <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
things that damage your hormones
finding a TRT doc
At your age. low-T is a symptom and you need to find the cause.
LH is not enough as it is released in pulses and has a short half life. So any given LH lab result does not really tell us much. FSH levels are much more steady and FSH is typically a better measure of LH status that LH itself.
Labs that we like to see:
prolactin at your age
LH/FSH - VERY IMPORTANT, must be done before, TRT, cannot do after
We see many thyroid issues here. The best overall measure of thyroid function is your body temperature.
Check oral body temperature when you first wake up AND also during mid-afternoon.
Please post temps in degrees F
Have you always used iodized salt?
Do you take a vitamin that has iodine and/or selenium?
Hi again.
Ok so I read up some more on the stickies and so on.
Update: Feeling tired, brain fog, hard to concentrate, always wake up tired even after 8hrs good sleep, hard to gain weight, among with other symptoms so the doctors ran som other tests, as usual not all the test I wanted them to do…
My body temp at 12 pm was today 97.7 F. Will check more freq.
Taking one multivitamin (w. 55 mcg selenium, iodine 150 mcg)/day. Extra vitamins/minerals ED: Vitamin D 5000 iu, Zinc 15 mg, Iron 28 mg (not ED), Vit B-complex, Omega 3&6 3-6 soft gels, BCAA/EAA, Creatine.