Blood Work Done, Not Looking Too Good

Hi guys!
I really hope i can get some good advice here. So iâ??m 21 years old, 6ft tall and 185 lbs with 14 % bodyfat and have never used any PED. Half year ago i notced, that i have a lump under my breast, so i went to the doctor, but he said he doesn’t feel a thing, but even if it’s gyno, it’s normal that teenagers develop gyno.

Well first of all i’m not a teenager anymore and i don’t think this is normal. Recently i feel tired all day, i have low sex drive and sometimes i feel depressed for days. I donâ??t have any body hair on my chest and back, neither any facial hair. I store fat on my chest, lower abs and glutes. I never drink alcohol and i don’t smoke. I try to eat healthy.

My macros are 200protein/350 carb/50 fat (2650 calories) year around. I eat at least 1lbs of vegetable/day (mostly steamed broccoli and cauliflower). I take mulltivitamin and omega 3. I workout 3 times/week. Since the doctor didn’t wanted to send me to a hormone test, last week i decided to take matters in my own hand and went to a private lab, to take them.

These are my results:
Total Testosterone : 305 ( 280-1100) ng/dl
Free Testosterone Index: 28 % (15-95)
SHBG: 40 ( 13-84) nmol/L
Estradiol : 101 (10-50) pmol/L
TSH: 2.2 (2.0-10.0) mIU/L
FSH: 3.5 ( 1.0-19.0) IU/L
LH: 1.7 ( 1.2-8.0) IU/L
FT3: 4.6 (3.3-6.0) pmol/L
FT4: 10.2 ( 9.0-19.1) pmol/L
White Blood Cell: 6.6 (4.4-11.3) 109/L
Red Blood Cell: 5.8 (4.5-5-9) 109/L
Hematocrit: 0.47 (0.4-0.52) L/L
Hemoglobin: 168 (14-175) g/L
Platelet count: 218 (150-450) 10*9/L
LDL: 3.4 (<3.3) mmol/L
HDL: 1.4 (0.9-3.6) mmol/L
Cholesterol: 5.0 (2.6-5.2) mmol/L
Triglyceride: 0.5 mmol/L
Creatinine: 108 (59-104) micromol/L
Total Bilirubin: 26 (2-17) umol/L
Direct Bilirubin: 7 (0-5) umol/L

Any sugestions about what should i do? These numbers don’t really mean anything to me, altough i see that my testosterone is not too high. I would apreciate your help guys!

Your fats are looking on the low side. This could be part of the problem. I would up your fats to at least 60/65g for a healthy young guy.

What country are you in?
How is iodine supplied there? salt, bread, dairy

TSH: 2.2 (2.0-10.0) mIU/L
FT3: 4.6 (3.3-6.0) pmol/L
FT4: 10.2 ( 9.0-19.1) pmol/L

How are you getting iodine?
How much iodine and selenium listed in vitamins?
How long taking that vitamin product?

You have a significant thyroid problem. Please take oral body temperatures to evaluate overall thyroid function:

  • when you first wake up should be 97.7-97.8F, higher is OK, 98.3 is a problem
  • also check for 98.6F/37C mid-afternoon
  • lack of iodine can be the problem

Please read these stickies:

  • advice for new guys
  • things that damage your hormones
  • thyroid basics

You need to test prolactin levels. If elevated, that can be the source of the problem or strong contributor.
If elevated, a MRI is used to look for a pituitary adinoma that can be effectively managed with 0.5mg/week Dostinex/cabergoline.

You are estrogen dominant. The target for TRT is E2=22pg/ml [80pmol/L]. You are already over that, so anastrozole will need to be part of your TRT if you go there. Need prolactin labs first. Maybe we can get this fixed.

KSman, can you elaborate on how you’re able to determine he has a thyroid problem based on the above numbers?

[quote]Davinci.v2 wrote:
KSman, can you elaborate on how you’re able to determine he has a thyroid problem based on the above numbers?[/quote]

Based on?: Recently i feel tired all day, i have low sex drive and sometimes i feel depressed for days.

“Recently” is a new development.

And TSH high
TSH: 2.2 (2.0-10.0) mIU/L
FT3: 4.6 (3.3-6.0) pmol/L
FT4: 10.2 ( 9.0-19.1) pmol/L

TSH should be 1.0, range does seem odd! Reference ranges for blood tests - Wikipedia

fT3 is at midrange
fT4 is below midrange 14 pmol/L

AS fT3 looks good, if low body temperatures, elevated rT3 suspected.

creating multiple threads with your case is bad news

Sorry, you can delete the other post if you can. The TSH range was a typo it’s 0.4-4.0. I will get a thermometer and do the tests. I live in Hungary, we have spicy foods. I eat minimal amount of bread and i drink coconut milk. My multivitamin has 120 microgramm iodine and 48 microgramm selenium. I’ve been taking this vitamin for almost 1 year, with 6 weeks on, 1 week off. Should i supplement with iodine? I found an article about my country: IODINE DEFICIENCY IN HUNGARY AND ITS POSSIBLE ROLE IN THE HE... : Epidemiology
Thanks for the help!

I can’t delete anything. I am just a normal member here.

Iodized salt was introduced there in 1949. So you should be able to locate that. Read the labels.
There seems to be a problem there with iodine deficiency and associated resultant pathologies.

The amount of iodine in your vitamins may not be adequate.