[quote]strongmanvinny wrote:
[quote]bwhite829 wrote:
Calling out Vinny and others keeping up with this:
Once I finish my comp in a couple weeks, you all know I’m going back to the higher volume I was doing before. I was thinking about making a new thread but this way I’ll be able to ask specifically those who saw the volume I had before. Here’s what I’m thinking to get my conditioning(which I sorely need, I’m up to 275 and no doubt I’ve gained alot of muscle since October but I doubt it’s been 30 lbs of muscle) up to par:
-10k KB swing challenge by Dan John peaked my interest. I rest 5 min between LB main lifts (both main lifts @ the beginning and double’ sets @ the end) and 2 min between BBB and 3 min between UB main lifts, 2 min between BBB, and 1 min between any other accessories. I’ve been using it as complete rest, but I’m thinking about making each “rest period” a mini EDT session w/ KB swings. I doubt I’m at heavy enough weights that I’d be hampered too much w/ my strength gains at this point, they might come a little slower but I figure it’d be worth it to take my conditioning to the next level. So a monday workout would be like this:
5/3/1 squats(joker sets on 3 & 5/3/1 wks, minimum reps w/ down sets on 5 wks)-5 min break/EDT swings between each set
BBB deficit deads-2 min break/EDT swings
5/3/1 squats w/ using 90% of my normal TM as my new TM for the last(so I’d just do the 5/3/1 workout again, essentially w/ 81% of my 1RM as my TM but no joker sets or down sets, repping out weeks 3 & 5/3/1 and minimum reps on 5 wks)
I did a cycle of this previous to dropping the volume for the comp without the swings and felt great and will be returning to this in August. I think EDT swings with a minimum of 10 swings each set would be a great self-regulating tool. I figure eventually I’ll work up to 600-700 swings in a workout between my 13 sets which would give me about 2400-2800 swings/week. I’ll probably start w/ my minimum of 10 and work up from there, with a goal to hit an EDT once a week(whichever day I’m feeling like I can crush the world).[/quote]
Hahahaha, I’m not sure I entirely understand this post. Part of it is the vast amount of initialisms/acronyms that I just can’t seem to decipher.
But…anything with 10,000 written before it seems legit.
Lol I wrote it at the time of night that I was about to go to bed so I figured it’d be incoherent…Basically, between each set, my “rest” would be kettlebell swings, no set reps, just a minimum of 10, with a weekly goal to hit a new TOTAL swing PR. Basically over the course of my training cycles, my density and work capacity would shoot through the roof, thus increasing my conditioning.