Hey everyone ive had some ligament damage in the last few months in my achilles and so im not really confident enough to start a full lower body program yet. Im not that experienced in weights but im learning fast. Here is what I have at the moment for my upper body.
My back and abs routines are fine at the moment but I was wondering if there were any way I could improve on the rest.
Note: all exercises are done 3 x 8 reps with 3 minutes rest in between sets of same exercises.
Other notes: The max time I can spend in the gym is about an hour and its a pretty limited school gym so deadlifts and obscure machines are pretty much out.
Doesnt look horrid seen worse needs more back work only one row. Id also more nthe REAL work to first like the Presses, rows, etc and move the flys, curls etc to last.
LOL and its a limited and obscure school gym so DL’s are out. By god the deal fits right in to limited and obscure, hevay thing on ground pick up. LOL Sorry just not seeing that as an excuse bro.
Best of luck be sure to get work for the other 3/4 of your body.
Dump a curl, add a row and add a shrug. If this is a three times per week program, drop the volume down. You also don’t need as many sets on the isolation movements.
Ok thanks heaps. So I drop the concerntration curl. Add maybe a bent over row or something and deadlift.Also what would be the best order timewise for exercises. Heres what I have so far.
Db Bench
Shoulder Press
Seated Row
Bent over row
Chest fly
Bicep Curls