Howdy all.
I’ve lurked on the boards for quite some time, but have decided to start posting.
I want to eventually enter a couple PL Comps this year.
But first I need to raise my lifts.
This will be my training log as well as my rants on working out in a lame add YMCA with TWO racks.
Oh well. I lift before work in the morning to avoid the curl crowd.
Anyway current stats 165-170lbs 13% BF. had allowed myself to get fat and weak and was about 190 and over 20% BF back in August.
Back Squat 265
Deadlift 315(probably higher, haven’t tested for a bit)
Bench 225
1RM goals 2012
Squat 320
Deadlift 405
Bench 300
I feel this is pretty doable, especially if I start eating closer to maintenance or over slightly.
Stay tuned for small feats of strength.