I had been planning on going all out this time around and go with a low tren/high test mix but since the next couple of months may prove to be challenging as far as academics and relationships go, I’d like to keep the tren out of the equation. Instead I decided on a conservative (some may say) cycle and go with the high test approach.
So the basics:
Height: 6’1’’
Weight: 210lbs
BF: 12-15%
Lifting: 8 years
I know we all read countless of these fucking posts so down to the nitty gritty, here’s what I have planned:
Wk 1: 1500mg Test E frontloaded (pin 500mg 3x that week, monday wednesday frirday)
Wk 2-12: 750mg Test E
Wk 1-4: Dbol 60mg/ED
Wk 9-12: Anavar 40mg/ED
Adex: .25-.5mg EOD, I’ll adjust as I go, I have a tendency for gyno so probably closer to .5mg
hCG: 250iu 3x/week
PCT: Nolva 40/40/20/20 Clomid: 100/100/50/50
Please let me know what you guys think, I’ve never tried frontloading and am particularly curious to see what you guys of my strategy.
Not going to try to give you advice as you are pretty knowledgable, but why not run the anavar up till PCT. Give yourself some better workouts and pumps till that Test deminishes
hahaha you guys are terrible… I did do 1200mg last time (600 Test 600 EQ) so maybe I’ll go up to a gram.
Smalsh, that’s a good idea and it really slipped my mind, thanks for bringing it up. You think Var week 8-14 then (given PCT start 2 weeks after last pin). So weeks 12-14 I’d be on Anavar only?
[quote]lbraga wrote:
hahaha you guys are terrible… I did do 1200mg last time (600 Test 600 EQ) so maybe I’ll go up to a gram.
Smalsh, that’s a good idea and it really slipped my mind, thanks for bringing it up. You think Var week 8-14 then (given PCT start 2 weeks after last pin). So weeks 12-14 I’d be on Anavar only?
Thanks bros[/quote]
9-14 is what I had in mind, and up the dose of the Var like others suggested, 70mg/day seems to be the norm. I think it will be a nice bridge to PCT.
[quote]lbraga wrote:
hahaha you guys are terrible… I did do 1200mg last time (600 Test 600 EQ) so maybe I’ll go up to a gram.
Smalsh, that’s a good idea and it really slipped my mind, thanks for bringing it up. You think Var week 8-14 then (given PCT start 2 weeks after last pin). So weeks 12-14 I’d be on Anavar only?
Thanks bros[/quote]
9-14 is what I had in mind, and up the dose of the Var like others suggested, 70mg/day seems to be the norm. I think it will be a nice bridge to PCT.[/quote]
That sounds great, I’m gonna bump it up to 75mg/day and run weeks 9-14. I definitely like the idea of the bridge before PCT.
BUDs, 18 days is cool, and soon hopefully start before the end of the month.
[quote]lbraga wrote:
hahaha you guys are terrible… I did do 1200mg last time (600 Test 600 EQ) so maybe I’ll go up to a gram.
Smalsh, that’s a good idea and it really slipped my mind, thanks for bringing it up. You think Var week 8-14 then (given PCT start 2 weeks after last pin). So weeks 12-14 I’d be on Anavar only?
Thanks bros[/quote]
9-14 is what I had in mind, and up the dose of the Var like others suggested, 70mg/day seems to be the norm. I think it will be a nice bridge to PCT.[/quote]
That sounds great, I’m gonna bump it up to 75mg/day and run weeks 9-14. I definitely like the idea of the bridge before PCT.
BUDs, 18 days is cool, and soon hopefully start before the end of the month.[/quote]
chances are your var is probably dbol anyways lol…
cycle looks solid, id bridge to pct for sure, just keep that blood pressure in check