I’m 6’ 6" at 340lbs.
I’ve been running 250mg of Enanthate for the last year. Mainly “TRT” to regain my mind and several other aspects. It helped a little, but I also went with a CPAP and it helped tremendously. I started eating smarter after my shoulder surgery and since March, I’m down 27 pounds. I’m training 5-6 times per week with heavy weights on leg and back days and light on chest days. I’m also getting in 3-4 hours cardio (elliptical and treadmill) per week. Drinking 1.5 to 2 gallons of water a day.
The “diet” I’m on is eating less food. I’m not weighing or counting macros just yet (another story for some or time and yes, I know it’d help even more). I eat what the wife buys and cooks and instead of seconds and most usually thirds, I stop with one plate. Essentially cutting my calories out. I’m “supposed” to eat 2800-3000 calories per day to maintain (according to the 'net) and I’m sure I’m eating less than that.
I do eat more protein and fats than carbs. Although, I do “back load” carbs after heavy leg days. If I had to guess, I’m eating 2000± calories a day. I’m dropping fat and seem to be maintaining strength. I did go through a couple weeks where I felt I dipped into a catabolic state. All the muscles in my body were sore and aching. I upped my protein intake then and I started feeling better.
So at 6’ 6" a lot of people say I look like I weight 260-280 pounds. That’s about where I want to get. So, I don’t feel I’m “morbidly obese” for my height, but I am “fat”. This week, I’m going up to 500mg Cypionate split into two doses of 250 a week. I’ve read enough posts and I’ve had several trusted friends state that as long as I keep eating the way I do and training like I am, it will help drop fat even more. So I’m going to try that and see.
I was going to post something like this yesterday, “When I get to 300lbs or close to it (I’m at 338lbs now.) I plan to run this cycle in the next 6-7 months.” I reworded it just to keep it shorter. So, I’m hoping I can get close to 300 pounds in the next 6 to 7 months and that’s when I’ll run this cycle. Maybe less since I could easily drop 2lbs a week (since I’m fat now) and in 6 months, even at a pound a week, be 24lbs lighter. Maybe starting out the first month or so at 2lbs a week then it tapers off to 1lbs or less.
Hopefully this explains and clears up the obvious lacking of info on my part.
As for HCG, yes, I know your verdict (read a lot of your posts). I have no desire for any more kids and I careless about the testicular atrophy. I may spread the wait between blasts a little longer. I’ll go by how I feel and see about the recovery.
Thank you both for posting. As for my training I used to do, even fat… put “/c/squatpresspull” after youtube. com. I’m no longer powerlifting and now more bodybuilding/powerbuilding for the help of cutting.