My mag-10 plan for success: please review.

I’m going to be embarking on my second mag-10 experience in mid septemeber, and wanted to run my ideas by everyone for their consideration. I’m getting 4 bottles of mag-10, so I might do 2 2 week cycles at 2 dose a day, or 2 4 week cycles at one dose. Anyway, calories will come most from whole foods, but some MRPS (most cytosport musclemilk), Surge and bars. Flax and fish oils, lean beef, foods that make you look good nekid.

Training will be moderate intensity, high volume (4x10 kinda thing), which I figure will be a nice shock since I’ve been 5x5ing it for a while. I’m also planning on doing whatshisfaces’ 100 reps for my bis and shoulders. Additionally, would a 20 rep squat routine be too much with all this, or will the mag-10 help things along? I’m not quite sure exactly how a 20 rep routine looks, but, correct me if I’m wrong, at the end of every workout, do a 20 rep set of squats with weight you can handle for 10 reps.

For the off weeks, tribex and M, cut cals slightly or add a bit of HIIT.

Any thoughts appreciated, if you meake sense of my shitty engrish.

Well most of what i have heard is that most users don’t see much of a difference between 1.5 and 2 doses a day. If you’re going stricly for bulking it might make more sense to 2x2weeks @ 1.5dose and 1x2weeks @ 1dose (not sure what order would be optimal). If I had your supply I would bulk with 2x2weeks @ 1.5 dose and cut with 1x4weeks @ .5dose. But again, that’s just what I would do.

Don’t worry about adding in flaxseed oil. Just get your 6g of combined EPA/DHA from the fish oil caps, and then dedicate the caloric surplus to carbs.

The 20-rep squats don’t necessarily have to come at the end of the session. In fact, I’ve often seen them included as the ONLY part of a quad session. The topic has been covered many times here. Try doing a search for “20-rep squats.”

Good luck.

I forget to say that I would stay away from the 4-week cycles. Personally, I think you’ll get more bang for your buck and better gains retention if you use three bottles now in a two-on, two-off format at one dose per day. Then, once you are done, focus on just maintaining your gains with a higher % of 1RM for 4-5 weeks, and then go into dieting to shed the fat that you’ve gained. If necessary, you can use the last bottle to help you in cutting. Obviously, I don’t know your exact stats, age, or training experience, but I just wanted to offer my two cents; it’s your call.