My Labs...Thought I'd Post them for Review

Done on 2/10/10 @9am…posting up what I have, I understand some of it might be useless

Test free 7.7 12.0-30.0
PSA 0.4 0.0-4.0
Glucose 100 70-100
BUN 9 7-22
Creatine 1 .5-1.3
Sodium 143 136-145
Potassium 4.2 3.5-5.3
Chloride 105 96-106
Carbon Diox 29 22-33
Calcium 9 8.6-10.1
Bilirubin .4 .2-1.2
alkaline 52 34-130
SGOT(AST) 34 0-40
SGPT(ALT) 67 0-68
Protein 7 6-8
Albumin 4 3.4-4.6

Choles 216
Trigyc 174
HDL 49
LDL 132

TSH 1.29 .36-3.74
Vit D 53 18-64

Labs done 8/5/10 @10am

Test 360 241-827
SHBG 24 13-71
C FreeT 8.6 6.0-27

WBC 7.2 4.5-11.0
RBC 4.4 4.1-5.7
HGB 13.9 13-17
HCT 41 37-49
MCV 94 80-100
MCH 31 27-34
MCHC 33 31-36
PLT 176 150-400
RDW 13 11-15
MPV 9 7-10
NE% 71 40-74
LY% 22 19-48
MO% 5 2-10
EO% .4 0-3
BA% .4 0-2
NE# 5 2-8
LY# 1.6 .9-5.3
MO# .4 0-.8
EO# 0 0-.4
BA# 0 0-.2

TSH .53 .35-4.00
PSA .7 0-4

Well that’s all I got…of course no estrogen, DHEA-S…etc.
I have no idea what some of that stuff is. Any insight would be appreciatted. I’m currently doing 100mg/week Test Cyp w/ nothing else.

these are before the shots

The point posting was to have them on forum…I will add new labs after the 9th. Easier to do each time than all at once, don’t ya think?