I’m having a problem with my flat barbell bench stagnating, even while everything else is steadily increasing.
I stuff my face and am gaining weight steadily. This has slowed down as of late since I’m preparing for OCS this summer, but all I did was step up my eating some more and I was fine.
My squat, deadlift, weighted pullups, rows, military press, etc. are all climbing steadily.
I can weighted dip more weight than anyone I’ve ever seen in person (165lbs max on the belt and I weight 180lbs, and with full ROM). Wouldn’t this mean that I have a somewhat strong chest/triceps? My incline bench is also decent at 105lb dumbbells as my max.
I take a week rest whenever I feel like I need it, which is about every 5 weeks.
I’ve watched tons of videos on correct form for a big bench, including the one that Tate did for T-Nation a while back. I’ve tried incorporating that knowledge, along with the recommended way of warming up (ramping up with fewer reps but more volume to be less fatigued), into my workouts. I tighten my ass, my grip, my back, and drive my feet into the floor.
I even moved chest day to monday since it was my lagging body part and I figured that being well-rested would help.
Yet still I seem to be a worthless nut sack when it comes to that movement. I asked my dad about it who’s been lifting since he was in high school, and he said that flat bench has always been his worst exercise also, and that even when all of his other lifts have been pretty big, his bench press wasn’t anything too impressive. Am I just genetically fucked on this one, or something? I’d like to have a big chest someday, so it would be nice to master this movement.
I’m expecting to be flamed for posting a wall of text, but I figured I might as well post all of the info now rather than have to post it later if someone asked.