My First Year In the Game

As I sit here holding a shoe, contemplating what this post is about, I realize that I have no idea what im going to write. Even less so why I am writing this. I guess something inside me tells me that some guys here can look at this and realize that they too can make some progress. Or maybe its the fame, glory and the women. Hell, I don’t know, maybe I just like getting flamed.

So without further adeu this is what this thread is about. Today concludes my first year of training. The picture above is from my 19th birthday, January 24th, 06. And the picture to the right was taken a few days ago. Odly enough, my gray sketchers havent changed one bit.

I thought about posting in the “Physique and Performance” forum but my physique is a bit lacking and my performance is questionable(No, thats not what she said). Besides, im not about to post pictures without a shirt on. Theres already plenty of other skinny dudes doing that these days.

Anyway, in a year I went from being 130lbs, at night and with jeans/shoes on. To a leaner 182(morning weight/naked). At first I just wanted to look decent, you know, alright arms, maybe a manly chest, big quads. Now I wanna be an animal. I wanna be big and pull big… _way _ big. So I wanna break 200 now. And then who knows.

I want to thank everyone here at T-Nation for helping me through. Not just the trainers, not just the guys who gave me good advice, everyone. Even those guys who gave shitty advice or flamed me. At the end of the day they taught me a valuable lesson–to experiment and find out what works for you.

All in all I hope you guys have a great year. And I’ll report back my progress in a year or when i reach 200lbs, whichever happens first.


P.S. I think I realize now why I wrote this. Anyone care to tell me what my bodyfat is in the second picture?(I included a shoe). Thanks in advance.

excellent work man that near 60 friggin lbs if your scale is correct good job

Keep it up


Congratulations at making a good start in such a short time, and good luck with the goals!

Thanks guys. Good luck with your goals as well =]

Good job so far man!

Do you only have one shirt? :wink:

What is the deal with the shoe? Is this some joke I’m way too n00b to get?

Agreed. Definitely some good work for a year’s time. 60 lbs is a big gain. Keep up the good work.

BTW> What was your diet like?

Keep it up man…great work.

[quote]MODOK wrote:
In order for the shoe to work, you must not be wearing a shirt in the pic…

Oh, fantastic progree by the way. I need to let my boney friends who want to bulk see this thread…they alll think its out of reach, but here’s proof that it isn’t.[/quote]

Damn =\
I guess I didn’t learn as much as I thought from the mighty eliteballa3.

[quote]MikeKubo wrote:
Agreed. Definitely some good work for a year’s time. 60 lbs is a big gain. Keep up the good work.

BTW> What was your diet like? [/quote]

Thanks. My diet in the begining was just to eat big. I was coming out of doing lots of long distance running and basically living under 2000 calories somehow. Remarkably I wasnt even lean when that picture was taken.

Basically 6 meals a day. All clean. Havent been in a kfc or mcdonalds since i started bulking.
Plenty of meats, eggs, rice, tuna, basically man food. Lots of water. The only sups Im on is whey and creatine(which i dont respond to but i take it for kicks)

Dont know if thats specific enough, i’ll give you a breakdown of what i ate and when if you need it.

[quote]BlaZe wrote:
Good job so far man!

Do you only have one shirt? ;)[/quote]

Yeah dude, im a starving college student so at some point I had to make a decision. Food or clothes =P

[quote]Deserteaglle wrote:
What is the deal with the shoe? Is this some joke I’m way too n00b to get?[/quote]

the link below,

Well done

DUDE!!! Im kinda inspired now. The soreness isnt as bad today after reading your post. Keep up the EXCELLENT work! Keep us posted on your progress for serious!

Peace Out!

Thanks. Im glad it gives someone some inspiration.

[quote]Agent Frost wrote:
DUDE!!! Im kinda inspired now. The soreness isnt as bad today after reading your post. Keep up the EXCELLENT work! Keep us posted on your progress for serious!

Peace Out![/quote]

Ditto, I’m bulking right now and this really is an inspiring post.

Best of luck in your bulking phase. Let us know how it goes.