I posted back here in November regarding my first cycle, got some good advice and encouragement, and was ready to go. But, the plan got pushed back a bit because of some family stuff.
Anyways, I gave myself my first shot of test. enanthate last night. 500 mg. (for 10 weeks then a taper) It went pretty well, I think. I thought that I might forget something important, but I guess all this time lurking and learning from you guys made the process seem simple. So, thanks.
I know that it’s going to be a few weeks before the test “kicks in” but man did I have a good workout this morning, and again this evening. Must be the placebo effect right now, so until I start feeling it for real I’m going to be front-loading on the excitement.
Thought I might keep a record of my cycle here. Maybe it’ll help someone else out as I learn along the way.
And so… my first question is, when should I start taking my Arimidex?
Well, Test E’s half-life is about 10.5 days while Arimidex’s half-life is about 4 or 5 days but has a gradual, cumulative effect. So I’d run it at about the end of the week, gradually increasing by incraments of 0.25mg on the first day and follow upwards as the cycle progresses. I’d personally try something like:
0.25mg/E3D Week 2
0.25mg/EOD Week 3
0.50mg/E3D Week 4
0.50mg/EOD Week 5- End of cycle
Again, that’s just what I’d do given my limited knowledge.
[quote]Contrl wrote:
Well, Test E’s half-life is about 10.5 days while Arimidex’s half-life is about 4 or 5 days but has a gradual, cumulative effect. So I’d run it at about the end of the week, gradually increasing by incraments of 0.25mg on the first day and follow upwards as the cycle progresses. I’d personally try something like:
0.25mg/E3D Week 2
0.25mg/EOD Week 3
0.50mg/E3D Week 4
0.50mg/EOD Week 5- End of cycle
Again, that’s just what I’d do given my limited knowledge.[/quote]
Thanks Contrl.
I wasn’t quite sure when to start taking it. I’d read somewhere that said my body would stop making it’s own test a week or so after the first shot, so that’s when the AI use should start.
I’d planned to take 0.5 mg EOD throughout the 10 weeks, but I’m going to try your recommendations. I’ll let you know how goes. I just don’t want too much water-bloat.
Well, my ass-cheek is sore. But not too bad, feels like someone gave me a good kick in the butt with work boots on. I told my training partner about it and he had a good laugh and said I’ll get used to it. He’s running a tren/winstrol EOD cycle, so I probably shouldn’t look for any sympathy from him…
Also, learned today that prop. when pronounced properly rhymes with soap, not stop. While I was training with “the big guys” at the gym, I thought I’d impress them with some of my limited knowledge of AAS. More laughter…
You really should split that does up into two shots of 250mg twice per week. Such as monday and thursday. A lot of guys even prefer E3D. It will help to keep your hormone levels more stable that way.
See ya
Yeah, I was wondering about that, splitting the dose into two shots a week. Opinions seem to be divided on this subject, with the guys that I’ve talked to. But from what I’ve read it seems to make more sense.
I’m going to have to try it out for myself, as my AAS education/self-experimentation continues. I’m planning for 2 cycles a year (for now anyways…), so a couple of years down the road I should have a better understanding of how my body reacts to different chemical concoctions and dosages.
Yesterday my partner offered me some Dbol to stack with my test. I almost said yes, but I figure that I should just stick with the test for this first cycle, I’m just not informed enough.
There’s a very helpful acronym in the military. It keeps some of us grunts from overthinking things.
Keep It Simple, Stupid!
You’re right. Dbol + Test makes for a good stack, but in all honesty you’re better off seeing how you react to a simple cycle so that you can later better compare and understand the differences.
My coaches versions are, “Keep It Simple, Shithead”. But the idea is the same. And I agree that I need to stick to this basic cycle, I’m just a beginner and I want to build a good foundation here with this cycle and the subsequent ones.
And speaking of basic, I gave myself my second injection last night. 500 mg again. I think I’m going to wait until I actually start “feeling” the test before I try dividing the doses.
Just so I can experience the hormonal rollercoaster for myself, so I’ll have something to compare it to. This is my first time and I want to learn from it as well as get stronger and bigger.
what kinda test do you use also you might want to let the vial or amp sit under hot water for a while before you inject. every time i forget to do this it feels like i got kicked by a mule. also rotate sites when you start deviding your dose into two per week youl find that a couple of 1 ml shots is a lot less painfull. good luck!
Just so I can experience the hormonal rollercoaster for myself, so I’ll have something to compare it to. This is my first time and I want to learn from it as well as get stronger and bigger. [/quote]
You really should just go with 2x a week inj. There really is no reason not to. I’m pretty sure that everyone would agree that the more frequent the injection, the better. You could inj every day and have very steady levels. This would obviously be overkill and is not necessary but would be ideal. Injecting every 7th day is just too infrequent for an ester with a 10 day half life.
Just so I can experience the hormonal rollercoaster for myself, so I’ll have something to compare it to. This is my first time and I want to learn from it as well as get stronger and bigger.
You really should just go with 2x a week inj. There really is no reason not to. I’m pretty sure that everyone would agree that the more frequent the injection, the better. You could inj every day and have very steady levels. This would obviously be overkill and is not necessary but would be ideal. Injecting every 7th day is just too infrequent for an ester with a 10 day half life. [/quote]
You guys have convinced me, I’ll be going to twice weekly injections.
I have a bad habit of getting stuck in the mentality that I need to experience it for myself so I can understand it better. But learning to listen to others who’ve been down the roads before me has saved me so much grief, and really, that’s why I’m here on this forum.
For your feedback and advice.
So, thanks for making me think again.
[quote]satisphire wrote:
what kinda test do you use also you might want to let the vial or amp sit under hot water for a while before you inject. every time i forget to do this it feels like i got kicked by a mule. also rotate sites when you start deviding your dose into two per week youl find that a couple of 1 ml shots is a lot less painfull. good luck![/quote]
It’s test enanthate. And I’m going to try that warming it up first, though the second injection hasn’t been as sore as the first one was.
[quote]Jelly Roll wrote:
Well, my ass-cheek is sore. But not too bad, feels like someone gave me a good kick in the butt with work boots on. I told my training partner about it and he had a good laugh and said I’ll get used to it. He’s running a tren/winstrol EOD cycle, so I probably shouldn’t look for any sympathy from him…
Also, learned today that prop. when pronounced properly rhymes with soap, not stop. While I was training with “the big guys” at the gym, I thought I’d impress them with some of my limited knowledge of AAS. More laughter…
500 mg’s into a virgin muscle might be causing the soreness .
[quote]SPANISH FLY wrote:
Jelly Roll wrote:
Well, my ass-cheek is sore. But not too bad, feels like someone gave me a good kick in the butt with work boots on. I told my training partner about it and he had a good laugh and said I’ll get used to it. He’s running a tren/winstrol EOD cycle, so I probably shouldn’t look for any sympathy from him…
Also, learned today that prop. when pronounced properly rhymes with soap, not stop. While I was training with “the big guys” at the gym, I thought I’d impress them with some of my limited knowledge of AAS. More laughter…
500 mg’s into a virgin muscle might be causing the soreness .[/quote]
A friend at the gym said that it might be because of all the squatting and sprinting in my workouts. Not a big deal really, compared to all the lumps and bruises I get from kickboxing and judo, it’s not that bad. I’m ok with some minor pains if it helps me train harder and recover faster.
[quote]Jelly Roll wrote:
Jelly Roll wrote:
Well, my ass-cheek is sore. But not too bad, feels like someone gave me a good kick in the butt with work boots on. I told my training partner about it and he had a good laugh and said I’ll get used to it. He’s running a tren/winstrol EOD cycle, so I probably shouldn’t look for any sympathy from him…
Also, learned today that prop. when pronounced properly rhymes with soap, not stop. While I was training with “the big guys” at the gym, I thought I’d impress them with some of my limited knowledge of AAS. More laughter…
500 mg’s into a virgin muscle might be causing the soreness .
A friend at the gym said that it might be because of all the squatting and sprinting in my workouts. Not a big deal really, compared to all the lumps and bruises I get from kickboxing and judo, it’s not that bad. I’m ok with some minor pains if it helps me train harder and recover faster.
I’ll be 45 tomorrow, there’s no such thing as fast recovery anymore !!! LOL !!!
I’ll be 45 tomorrow, there’s no such thing as fast recovery anymore !!! LOL !!![/quote]
Happy birthday SF. (Hey, Foreman was 45 when he won the title, and now Holyfield is getting his shot at almost 45 too.)
Meanwhile, I’m still waiting for the strength boost from the test e. Feeling the libido going up, and the nuts shrinking a bit. Trying not to be impatient, it’s only been a week and a half. Friends say after 3 weeks is when I’ll start noticing it, does that sound about right?
I’ll be 45 tomorrow, there’s no such thing as fast recovery anymore !!! LOL !!!
Happy birthday SF. (Hey, Foreman was 45 when he won the title, and now Holyfield is getting his shot at almost 45 too.)
Meanwhile, I’m still waiting for the strength boost from the test e. Feeling the libido going up, and the nuts shrinking a bit. Trying not to be impatient, it’s only been a week and a half. Friends say after 3 weeks is when I’ll start noticing it, does that sound about right?
Thanks, 45 aint so bad. Everyone is different, i would say about 4 to 6 weeks, patience, my friend, patience.
Now, my left butt-cheek, from my 2nd injection last Sunday, is sore. All week it was fine, no pain no nothing then Friday I had a HARD workout. Deadlifts, squats, chins, and dips. And heavy doubles and triples, like so heavy you feel like you’re going to crap your pants.
Then I get a small lump where I injected. It’s sore but not too bad, some swelling. Next day, same thing, only it’s kinda reddish and warm. So I did some search function and I figure that it must be what you guys call a “hottie”, or else it’s infected. Shitty.
So I took a bunch of leftover amoxicillin and some tylenol and had a long sleep. It’s still sore and warm, but less so. I’ll see how I feel tomorrow.
I’m starting the 250ml twice a week injections tonight, hopefully that cuts down on these problems.
why the hell would you take amoxicillin? Listen I used to get the same shit my first couple times, it would get so bad I could barley sit down, take some advil, ice it a couple times a day and it will slowly go away. A lot of times it has to do with the way you are injecting