Some background info first. I’m 6-foot-7, 230-235lbs. A little more than over a year ago at about my current weight, I underwent a bad diet consisting of aerobic exercise and too few calories, leaving me skinny-fat. Since then I’ve gained back the 30lbs lost, most of it being muscle. My bodyfat though is still in the high tens.
I’m now looking to end my bulk and shed some fat for the summer, about 15lbs of it. I’ve been at my current weight for a solid month.
Bench press and squat (front) are about 85% of BW, deadlift about 110%.
Here’s my plan for you to critique:
Nutrition-wise I’m going for T-dawg 2.0 with about 3000kcal a day, with one healthy carb-up a week.
Training-wise I’m thinking of doing an EDT-plan of my own devising to fit my gym, 10RM loading 15mins:
Monday: db chest press/row and front squat/romanian deadlift
Wednesday: pullup/dips and deadlift/stepup
Friday: military press/t-bar row and back squat/goodmorning
Supplement-wise I will take 10g’s each of creatine/bcaa/fish oil along with my usual serving of post-workout drink.
Do you see any flaws/improvements or do I have my bases covered?
Thanks in advance!