My Deadlift Form


It’s been a while since I started the 5/3/1 workout. A while ago, I was doing the 3x5 deadlift and I filmed the last set. Yeah I know the quality sucks but it’s all I got.


As you can see in the video, I round my back a bit especially on the last reps. Is this okay? Or to sum things up, is my deadlift form good? I just want to know on how I can improve my form before I deal much heavier weights.

Thanks a lot in advance… :slight_smile:

Did you film this in fast forward? I can’t really tell anything other than it sounds like the start of a weird dance song.

Sorry bout that… I checked the video and it is really in fast motion but in my phone, it is not Anyway, I uploaded a copy in youtube. Here it is.

I think this will do more to help you than anything I can say.

Ok, let me say this - your form is fine, at least when you actually do a rep. I have no idea who told you your back rounded or what you read, but it’s fine.

Now let’s get down to the real problem: STOP SIGHTSEEING. You look around DURING the rep, fuck around at the bottom of the lift and are way too concerned with something OTHER THAN THE LIFT.

This is why I hate phones and other shit like this in the weight room - you are too concerned with the angle and the camera and the lift is secondary. Your form is fine. Now get down to business. Get lifting.

Despite what you may have read by many authors (i.e. not experts) looking to geek up the weight room with their protractors, weight training is and always will be Neanderthal. Put the camera away and start focusing on BEING FOCUSED. You heart is in the right place and this is not me yelling at you - this is me trying to encourage you to start ripping weights.

I’ll keep this mind. I’m planning to focus on a single object that is in my line of sight… and focus my eyes on it in every rep… and yes, I’ll make sure I’ll rip the weights =) Thanks a lot Jim!

Just checked the video from Rip a while ago and got another set of tips. Thanks bro!