[quote]Duke wrote:
I feel your initial pain Renton, I’ve got 3 stepdaughters and 1 stepson.
Girls are soooo much of a worry when they reach that age and make their father’s stress every time they go out the door or bring a boy home.
The son was far easier.
She’s a pretty girl Renton, no wonder she was modelling - congrats on the pride, well deserved.[/quote]
Cheers Duke - My main worry is because I know exactly what boys are like having been there with the one track mind (which I strangely still have).
She’s a good kid though and can handle herself extremely well. She works out and can fight real well. Strong, fit and fast. She’s also clever and funny and manages most situations that way.
Nothing much I can do really other than trust her. And rip her enemies to shreds should it come to it.
[quote]FlavaDave wrote:
Renton wrote:
FlavaDave wrote:
exzentrick wrote:
I don’t even know what I meant by that. I bet it was pretty funny in my head, though.
My guess is you’re stoned.
Yup - More than likely.
Dave - Really good to see you changed your avatar mate. That previous one freaked me out every time I saw it.
[quote]Renton wrote:
Makavali wrote:
LMAO! Renton, your girls are hilarious! Between the curtains incident and this, I can’t stop laughing!
Any wonder I have to shave my head to hide the grey?
And I’ve still got a middle daughter I aint even told you about yet![/quote]
You said you have 3 daughters, right? They’re very lucky to be in a big family, as are you to have them!
I have two sisters, 15 and 11. I know that, even at 14, girls are a lot more clever than one might expect. Still, I’m constantly worried about the older one getting into trouble with guys. If you’ve ever had to fend off boy brats with a baseball bat, or have alternative security measures in place, I’d love to hear about them in a future thread
You could fend them off by offering them a beverage when they come to pick her up… not saying what I think could be in that beverage, but something to make them uncomfortable might keep them from asking her out again.
I’m horrible. Truly. I probably need therapy. But I can act normal most of the time.
[quote]Renton wrote:
FlavaDave wrote:
Renton wrote:
FlavaDave wrote:
exzentrick wrote:
I don’t even know what I meant by that. I bet it was pretty funny in my head, though.
My guess is you’re stoned.
Yup - More than likely.
Dave - Really good to see you changed your avatar mate. That previous one freaked me out every time I saw it.
[quote]thomas.galvin wrote:
Renton wrote:
Duke wrote:
She’s a good kid though and can handle herself extremely well. She works out and can fight real well.
[quote]thomas.galvin wrote:
Renton wrote:
Duke wrote:
She’s a good kid though and can handle herself extremely well. She works out and can fight real well.
Jui juitsu, or boxing?[/quote]
I teach her a lot of techniques in hand to hand combat mainly based around TKD and jujitsu but also incorporating a fair bit of aikido and some escrima stick work.