Here is my BBB journal. I have been doing this workout for quite a while and find it extremely effective.
I am starting a journal here and will try to keep it current. My weight this a.m. was 227.2 first thing on an empty stomach.
I am currently doing ramp 1 and on week 2. Sets are 4 sets per bodypart and 90 second rest between sets. ( I am doing the six day version 1 workout per day )
Here is what I did today: Delts, tris, legs, abs
Delts- seated machine laterals 125x15, 125x13, 120x12, 110x14
tris-closegrip benches 225x15, 225x 15, 225x12, 215x15
Squats- 3 warmups ( 135x15, 225x10, 315x6, ) 375x15, 375x12, 345x14, 335x 14
abs-hanging leg raises 3x15
no cardio today
good workout- felt strong and well rested. Tomorrow is chest,back, biceps, calves
Plan is to do the whole workout end to end for the next 18 weeks!