Hi there, first post here
Got my own 5/3/1 with the priciples of the book
I’m able to train 6 times a week, triyng to get shredded but Strong AF.
This is my routine:
For Warm up/mobility, typical stuff recommended, Agile 8, foam rolls, Dynamic stretches, the kinda no Bulls***t stuff.
My Conditioning is: Kettlebell swings, and some HIIT stuff, mosty sprints, normaly done after upper days.
Keep in mind that the days can change, due to business or privat stuff. Also, i’m not going to the gym. I have a Power rack at home, a bench, a cable pull (low and high) and a barbell. Maybe i will get some Dumbbels in the future cause zheir expensive as hell.
Thx for any critique and advises.
here’s the split:
sets and reps for accesories can vary due to mood, energy etc.
Deadlifts 5/3/1 + Jokers
Romanian Deadlifts 5x10
OHP 5/3/1
Dips 5x10
Lat Pulldows 4x10
Seated Rows 4x10
Wednesday Rest
can’t train that day
Squats 5/3/1 + Jokers
Squats 5x10
Bench Press 5/3/1 + Jokers + FSL +
Rest Pause
Barbell Rows 5x10 or GVT 10x10
Lower Hypertrophy
Front Squats 5x10
Hip Thrusts 5x10
Upper Hypertrophy
Bench Press 5x10
Dips 3x10
Side Laterals 3x15
One Arm Pulldowns 4x15
One Arm Rows 4x15