this is a bit of a newbie question…but i’ve been reading about people’s experiences with trying to harden their muscles by using supps like Methoxy. does it just make the muscle more dense?
my roomate, female, is genetically gifted with very hard muscles. her arms are incredible…on the other hand mine are pretty soft. she also seems a bit stronger than me even tho i can lift heavier loads (squats, db presses) at the gym. what gives? would i benefit from something like methoxy? harder muscles = more strength? what does it mean? thanks…if anyone wants to take the bait.
methoxy is great when dieting , but i found it nothing flash when bulking.
it improved recovery times and deffinately improved the hardness of the muscle. this is most prominent under 10% and when pumped , even on low carbs (which as you may know its pretty hard to get a pump when lo carbing it…)
Try 5x5 or Anti-bodybuilding, or check out CT’s explanation of it in his “Big Black Book of Training Secrets” or Pavel Tsatsouline’s “Power to the People” book.
There are different kinds of hypertrophy. For a more dense hypertrophy, use a higher load with less reps.
As for Methoxy, I found it works best when double dosing. But I’ve found that I’ve increased my muscle density by training heavy, heavy and heavy with low reps.
AND, I don’t believe you can usually tell the strength of someone by their muscle hardness. I’ve seen some pretty strong mofo’s who weren’t all that “hard” but big…and strong.
Another hardening ?, does anyone feel that 4-ad is effective/more effective than mag 10. And Patricia did you notice the typical 1-2 lb ft loss/1-2 lb lbm gain or just an increase in recovery time, and how was your protein intake?