Hey there, i had a debate going with 2 friends this night… They say its impossible to be in a 700-1000 cals deficit and gain muscle while using roids, say test E 250-500 mg.
I however, say it’s more than possible to gain muscle in a deficit using roids and still lose a good amount of fat… Never tried it myself, so who is right?
We’re talking about people in semi shape with no cycles before or at least people who have been off for 2 years +.
So what would you guys go with in a 700+ deficit. 250mg or 500mg test? Or does it not really matter what the dose is aka more does not equal more massgain?
[quote]Goz wrote:
So what would you guys go with in a 700+ deficit. 250mg or 500mg test? Or does it not really matter what the dose is aka more does not equal more massgain?
Well I was saying yes in general to your question, I didn’t see your post when asking with 250mg. I’m sure it’s possible with 250mg but with 500mg its definitely possible
if i go on cycle theres no way in hell im cutting calories again until im a 250+lb beast. i go on to get fucking huge not to be some scrawny weak ripped smurf.
[quote]ty_ty13 wrote:
if i go on cycle theres no way in hell im cutting calories again until im a 250+lb beast. i go on to get fucking huge not to be some scrawny weak ripped smurf.[/quote]
[quote]ty_ty13 wrote:
if i go on cycle theres no way in hell im cutting calories again until im a 250+lb beast. i go on to get fucking huge not to be some scrawny weak ripped smurf.[/quote]
[quote]ty_ty13 wrote:
if i go on cycle theres no way in hell im cutting calories again until im a 250+lb beast. i go on to get fucking huge not to be some scrawny weak ripped smurf.[/quote]
lol, am I the only one that likes the ripped, wirey, can’t-even-tell-if-he-lifts-when-he-wears-a-hoody look?
[quote]ty_ty13 wrote:
if i go on cycle theres no way in hell im cutting calories again until im a 250+lb beast. i go on to get fucking huge not to be some scrawny weak ripped smurf.[/quote]
lol, am I the only one that likes the ripped, wirey, can’t-even-tell-if-he-lifts-when-he-wears-a-hoody look?[/quote]
Well, I want to look like I somewhat lift with a hoody on, you know, having some wide shoulders and bigger traps, but definetely not being really big. I want to look good without mys hirt. Ripped like hell, like 2 weeks out of a BB competition. RIPPED BRAH!